
Helper functions for Codeception tests within TYPO3 extensions

1.1.1 2024-01-17 12:32 UTC

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Last update: 2024-10-24 16:22:32 UTC


TYPO3 Codeception Helper

Coverage Maintainability CGL Tests Supported PHP Versions

This library provides some helper functions for Codeception tests within TYPO3 extensions. In addition, an application entrypoint modifier extension for coverage collection within acceptance tests is distributed.

πŸ”₯ Installation

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composer require --dev eliashaeussler/typo3-codeception-helper

⚑ Usage

ApplicationEntrypointModifier extension

Source: Codeception\Extension\ApplicationEntrypointModifier

A Codeception extension that aims to ease the integration effort when collecting code coverage with codeception/c3. It replaces an existing entrypoint (e.g. typo3/index.php) with a modified entrypoint that includes the distributed c3.php file.

Enable this extension in your codeception.yml file:

# codeception.yml

    - EliasHaeussler\Typo3CodeceptionHelper\Codeception\Extension\ApplicationEntrypointModifier:
          - web-dir: .Build/web
            main-entrypoint: index.php
            app-entrypoint: app.php
          - web-dir: .Build/web/typo3
            main-entrypoint: index.php
            app-entrypoint: app.php

For each entrypoint, the following config must be provided:


Given the following directory structure:

└── web
    └── index.php   # main entrypoint provided by framework/application

Once the extension is enabled and properly configured, the following directory structure exists after the test suite is started:

└── web
    β”œβ”€β”€ app.php     # contains the original contents from index.php
    └── index.php   # generated entrypoint that includes c3.php and app.php

Backend module

Source: Codeception\Module\Backend

A Codeception module that allows to perform actions within TYPO3 backend. It can for example be used to log into the TYPO3 backend.


This module requires the WebDriver module to be installed and enabled.

Enable this module in your codeception.yml file:

# codeception.yml

    actor: AcceptanceTester
        - EliasHaeussler\Typo3CodeceptionHelper\Codeception\Module\Backend

Available methods

login($username, $password): void

Perform backend login for the given user. The user is identified by the given username and is authenticated by the given password.


$I->login('admin', 'password');

loginAs($username): void

Perform backend login for the given user. The user is identified by the given username which must be configured in the codeception module config (see Configure backend users).



openModule($identifier): void

Open a backend module by clicking on the module link. The module link is identified by a given node identifier. Note that the identifier differs between TYPO3 versions (see example below).


// TYPO3 11

// TYPO3 12

Configure backend users


Backend users are not automatically created by this module. You need to take care of that by your own, e.g. by importing static database fixtures before tests are executed.

In order to use the loginAs() method, existing backend users must be configured in the module config section:

     actor: AcceptanceTester
-        - EliasHaeussler\Typo3CodeceptionHelper\Codeception\Module\Backend
+        - EliasHaeussler\Typo3CodeceptionHelper\Codeception\Module\Backend:
+            userCredentials:
+              admin: password
+              editor: password

πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Contributing

Please have a look at CONTRIBUTING.md.

⭐ License

This project is licensed under GNU General Public License 2.0 (or later).