
Simple and clear framework

v1.0.1 2019-03-19 08:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-27 21:28:26 UTC


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PHP library to create a light straightforward project using PSR-11 container.


Run the command below to install via Composer:

composer require elie29/core

Getting Started

Core framework does not require a specific structure. Only some configuration should be provided.

Prepare the project structure

In order to configure the framework, we need to have a project structure. Let's assume we have the following standard structure:

    • data:
      • cache: Cache folder if cache is activated
      • config:
        • config.php: Project configuration
        • container.php: Container configuration
    • public
      • index.php: Frontend controller
    • src:
      • Controllers
        • HomeIndexController: Default Core Controller that extends AbstractController
      • views
        • layouts/layout.html: Layout used by Core Framework when rendering is html
        • home/index.phtml: not required unless HomeIndexController uses fetchTemplate
    • composer.json

Prepare the config file

Regarding the defined structure above, config.php looks as follow:

// point out to MY_PROJECT
$base = dirname(dirname(__DIR__));

// should return an array
return [
    // zend-phpdi-config
    'dependencies' => [
        'aliases' => [
            RouterInterface::class => Router::class,
            RenderInterface::class => Render::class,
        'autowires' => [

    // Core configuration
    'core' => [
        // Router configuration: Query Protocol by default
        'router' => [
            RouterConst::NAMESPACE => 'Controllers\\'
        // Render configuration
        'render' => [
            RenderConst::VIEWS_PATH => $base . '/src/views',
            RenderConst::CACHE_PATH => $base . '/data/cache',
            RenderConst::CLEAN_OUTPUT => true,

Prepare the container

container.php depends on the installed container. For zend-phpdi-config, it looks like:

// Protect variables from global scope
return call_user_func(function () {

    $config = require __DIR__ . '/config.php';

    $factory = new ContainerFactory();

    // Container
    return $factory(new Config($config));

Create the index.php

Nothing more including autoload.php and instanciating Core class as follow:


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$container = require 'data/config/container.php';

$core = new Core($container);

Create the layout

layout.phtml is an html file with php variables assigned in the controller or returned by preRun, run or postRun methods.

Example of a layout.phtml:

<html lang="en">
   <meta charset="utf-8">
   <meta name="description" content="<?php echo htmlentities($description, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') ?>">
   <!-- tplContent should display tags -->
   <div><?php echo $tplContent ?></div>

Create the first Controller

In the config file, we specified Controllers\\ as a default namespace, but we did not specify a default controller and a default action. In this case, the controller will be home and the action will be index. Therfore, Controller class should be named HomeIndexController with Controllers as namespace. Each controller should implement Elie\Core\Controller or extends Elie\Core\AbstractController:

namespace Controllers;

class HomeIndexController extends AbstractController

   public function doRun(): bool
      $render = $this->container->get(RenderInterface::class);
      // true because cache_time is not defined in config.php
      return $render->hasLayoutExpired();

   public function run(array $params = []): array
      $render = $this->container->get(RenderInterface::class);

      // global data for layout/templates
         'description' => 'first description',

      // layout specific data
      return ['tplContent' => '<span>my content</span>'];

Create a template

A template is not required, but in order to have a dynamic layout with several contents, we cas use RenderInterface::fetchTemplate. phtml templates should be under views_path.

Let's change run method in order to fetch a template:

public function run(array $params = []): array
   $render = $this->container->get(RenderInterface::class);

   // global data for layout/templates
      'description' => 'displayed description',

   // layout specific data
   return ['tplContent' => $this->getMyTemplate()];

protected function getMyTemplate(): string
   $cacheID = sha1(__FILE__ . 'product/detail');
   $cacheTime = 5; // 5 seconds in cache

   $render = $this->container->get(RenderInterface::class);

   // data is not needed when file is read from cache
   $data = [];

   // overrides keys assigned in run
      'description' => __METHOD__,

   if ($render->hasTemplateExpired($cacheID, $cacheTime)) {
      $data = [
         'item' => time(),
         'description' => 'overriden by assign method'

   // specific product/detail template under views_path
   return $render->fetchTemplate($data, 'product/detail', $cacheID, $cacheTime);

detail.phtml file under src/views/product folder could be as follow:

<h1>Product detail Template</h1>

<div><?php echo htmlentities($item, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') ?></div>

Development Prerequisites

Text file encoding

  • UTF-8

Code style formatter

  • Zend Framework coding standard

Composer commands

  • clean: Cleans all generated files
  • test: Launches unit test
  • test-coverage: Launches unit test with clover.xml file generation
  • cs-check: For code sniffer check
  • cs-fix: For code sniffer fix
  • phpstan: Launches PHP Static Analysis Tool
  • check: Launches clean, cs-check, test and phpstan