
Psr-15 request handler implementing the ADR pattern

0.2.0 2018-05-21 12:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-26 00:50:29 UTC


This package provides a Psr-15 request handler implementing the Action-Domain-Responder pattern.

Require php >= 7.0

Installation composer require ellipse/handlers-adr

Run tests ./vendor/bin/kahlan

Request handler using ADR pattern

The Action-Domain-Responder (ADR) pattern is used to separate domain and presentation logic of an application. It can be summed up as having Action objects gluing together pairs of Domain and Responder objects in order to produce a response from an incoming request. An Action can therefore be considered as a Psr-15 request handler and the goal of this package is to provide an ADR implementation usable with any Psr-15 dispatching system.

The Ellipse\Handlers\ActionRequestHandler represents a generic Action implementing Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface. Its first constructor parameter is a Domain object implementing Ellipse\ADR\DomainInterface and the second one is a Responder object implementing Ellipse\Handler\ResponderInterface. Here is what's going on when the ->handle() method of an ActionRequestHandler instance is called with a Psr-7 request:

  • An input array is extracted from the Psr-7 request
  • A payload is produced by calling the ->payload() method of the Domain with the input array
  • A Psr-7 response is produced by calling the ->response() method of the Responder with the Psr-7 request and the payload
  • The Psr-7 response is returned

By default the input array is obtained by merging the request attributes, query parameters, parsed body parameters and uploaded files. They are merged in this order, meaning request attributes are overridden by query parameters having the same keys, which in turn are overridden by parsed body parameters, and finally by uploaded files. An Action specific request parsing logic can be specified by passing a callable as ActionRequestHandler third constructor parameter. This request parser callable is executed with the request as parameter and must return an array. An Ellipse\Handlers\Exceptions\InputTypeException is thrown when anything else than an array is returned.

DomainInterface defines a ->payload() method taking an input array as parameter and returning an implementation of Ellipse\ADR\PayloadInterface.

PayloadInterface defines two methods: ->status() returning the payload status as a string and ->data() returning the payload data as an array. The Ellipse\ADR\Payload class can be used as a default implementation of PayloadInterface. It takes the status string and the data array as constructor parameters.

Finally, ResponseInterface defines a ->response() method taking a request and an implementation of PayloadInterface as parameter and returning a response.


namespace App\Domain;

use Ellipse\ADR\Payload;
use Ellipse\ADR\PayloadInterface;
use Ellipse\ADR\DomainInterface;

use App\SomeService;

class SomeDomain implements DomainInterface
    private $service;

    public function __construct(SomeService $service)
        $this->service = $service;

    public function payload(array $input): PayloadInterface
        // perform domain logic...

        // This payload will be passed to the responder ->response() method.
        return new Payload('FOUND', ['k1' => $v1, 'k2' => $v2]);

namespace App\Responder;

use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;

use Ellipse\ADR\PayloadInterface;
use Ellipse\Handlers\ResponderInterface;

use App\ResponseFactory;

class SomeResponder implements ResponderInterface
    private $factory;

    public function __construct(ResponseFactory $factory)
        $this->factory = $factory;

    public function response(ServerRequestInterface $request, PayloadInterface $payload): ResponseInterface
        // Different Psr-7 responses can be produced according to the given Psr-7 request and
        // the given payload.

        if ($payload->status() === 'FOUND') {

            return $this->factory->createFoundResponse('template', $payload->data());


        return $this->factory->createNotFoundResponse();

namespace App;

use App\Domain\SomeDomain;
use App\Responder\SomeResponder;

use Ellipse\Handlers\ActionRequestHandler;

// Create an action request handler using SomeDomain and SomeResponder.
$domain = new SomeSomain(new SomeService);
$responder = new SomeResponder(new ResponseFactory);

$handler = new ActionRequestHandler($domain, $responder);

// A specific request parsing callable can be specified.
$handler = new ActionRequestHandler($domain, $responder, function ($request) {

    $attributes = $request->getAttributes();

    return [
        'key' => explode(' ', $attributes['key']),


// Action request handler instances work like any Psr-15 request handler.
$response = $handler->handle($request);

Usage with a Psr-11 container

In real world applications Domain and Responder instances are usually retrieved from a container.

This packages provides implementations of DomainInterface and ResponderInterface proxying a Psr-11 container entry.

Ellipse\Handlers\ContainerDomain class takes a container and the container id of a Domain object as constructor parameters. When its ->payload() method is called, the Domain is retrieved from the container and the payload produced by its ->payload() method is returned. An Ellipse\Handlers\Exceptions\ContainedDomainTypeException is thrown when the container entry is not an implementation of DomainInterface.

In the same way Ellipse\Handlers\ContainerResponder class takes a container and the container id of a Responder object as constructor parameters. The container entry ->response() method is proxied and an Ellipse\Handlers\Exceptions\ContainedResponderTypeException is thrown when it is not an implementation of ResponderInterface.

Finally, request parsing callables can also be retrieved from the container using the Ellipse\Handlers\ContainerRequestParser class with a container and the container id of a callable as constructor parameters. An Ellipse\Handlers\Exceptions\ContainedRequestParserTypeException is thrown when the container entry is not a callable.


namespace App;

use SomePsr11Container;

use App\Domain\SomeDomain;
use App\Responder\SomeResponder;

use Ellipse\Handlers\ContainerDomain;
use Ellipse\Handlers\ContainerResponder;
use Ellipse\Handlers\ContainerRequestParser;
use Ellipse\Handlers\ActionRequestHandler;

// Register SomeDomain, SomeResponder and a request parser into a Psr-11 container.
$container = new SomePsr11Container;

$container->set(SomeDomain::class, function ($container) {

    $service = $container->get(SomeService::class);

    return new SomeDomain($service);


$container->set(SomeResponder::class, function ($container) {

    $factory = $container->get(ResponseFactory::class);

    return new SomeResponder($factory);


$container->set('adr.parser', function () {

    return function ($request) {

        $attributes = $request->getAttributes();

        return [
            'key' => explode(' ', $attributes['key']),



// Create an action using domain, responder and request parser proxying container entries.
$domain = new ContainerDomain($container, SomeDomain::class);
$responder = new ContainerResponder($container, SomeResponder::class);
$parser = new ContainerRequestParser($container, 'adr.parser');

$handler = new ActionRequestHandler($domain, $responder, $parser);

// Actual domain, responder and request parser are retrieved from the container when the request is handled
// by the action.
$response = $handler->handle($request);

Of course Domain and Responder classes can be auto wired using Ellipse\Container\ReflectionContainer class from the ellipse/container-reflection package.


namespace App;

use SomePsr11Container;

use App\Domain\SomeDomain;
use App\Responder\SomeResponder;

use Ellipse\ADR\DomainInterface;
use Ellipse\Handlers\ResponderInterface;
use Ellipse\Handlers\ActionRequestHandler;
use Ellipse\Container\ReflectionContainer;

// Get some Psr-11 container.
$container = new SomePsr11Container;

// Decorate the container with a reflection container.
// Specify the domain and responder implementations can be auto wired.
$reflection = new ReflectionContainer($container, [

// Create an action using domain and responder proxying container entries.
$domain = new ContainerDomain($reflection, SomeDomain::class);
$responder = new ContainerResponder($reflection, SomeResponder::class);

$handler = new ActionRequestHandler($domain, $responder);

// Instances of SomeDomain and SomeResponder are built using auto wiring.
$response = $handler->handle($request);