
Annotation based caching for services inside a symfony container

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6.0.2 2023-03-30 17:08 UTC


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Annotation based caching for method responses in services inside a Symfony container.

This bundle helps you to add caching with a simple annotation or attribute. You can store the cache in any class that implements PSR-6: Caching Interface be it a simple array or a redis/memcache storage.

How it works

This bundle will scan all the methods from the defined services and look for the Cache annotation or attribute (for PHP 8+).

For all the services where the Cache annotation/attribute is found, it will create a proxy class (using ocramius/proxy-manager) that extends the service class, include the CacheableClassTrait and overwrite the methods that have the Cache annotation/attribute.

The overwritten methods consist of a call to the getCached method that identifies the annotation details, gets the key, gets the Cache PSR-6 implementation and then gets the result from cache. If no data with the generated cache key is found, it will call the original method and then save the response in the given provider.

The bundle has a CompilerPass implementation that will search and overwrite the service definition with the proxy class created in the process explained above.


With Symfony Flex

The easiest way to install and configure the AnnotationCacheBundle with Symfony is by using Symfony Flex:

 composer require symfony/flex ^1.0
 composer config extra.symfony.allow-contrib true
 composer require emag-tech-labs/annotation-cache-bundle

Symfony Flex will automatically register and configure the bundle.

Without Symfony Flex

If your application does not use Symfony Flex you can configure the bundle manually by following the steps below

Step 1: Download the bundle

Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:

composer require emag-tech-labs/annotation-cache-bundle

Step 2: Enable the bundle

Then, enable the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles in the config/bundles.php file of your project:

// config/bundles.php

return [
    // ...
    EmagTechLabs\AnnotationCacheBundle\AnnotationCacheBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Step 3: Configuration

The easiest way is to dump the config and copy it to configs/packages/emag_annotation_cache.yaml.

bin/console config:dump-reference AnnotationCacheBundle
Configuration example

You have to configure the name of the service that is PSR6 compliant, that means it will have to implement Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface:

# app/config/services.yaml

        class: Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\ArrayAdapter
        class: Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\RedisAdapter
        arguments: ['@predis']

# Annotation Cache Bundle
        default: cache.redis
        array: cache.array
      - 'Symfony\\'
      - 'Doctrine\\'
      - legacy
      - type
      - required


Add the Cache annotation for the methods you want to cache.

Annotation parameters:

  • cache - cache prefix, string, default value: null (eg: 'my_custom_prefix_')
  • key - name of argument(s) to include in cache key hash generation, string, arg name separated by a comma, default value: '' (eg: 'a,b')
  • ttl - time to store the cache in seconds, int, default value: 600 (eg: '3600')
  • reset - if the cache should be reset or not, boolean, default value: false (eg: 'true')
  • storage - if multiple providers are defined, you can specify which provider to use, string, default value: 'default' (eg: 'array')

Annotations defined with Doctrine Annotations library

use EmagTechLabs\AnnotationCacheBundle\Annotation\Cache;

 * @Cache(cache="<put your prefix>", [key="<name of argument to include in cache key separated by comma>",  [ttl=600, [reset=true, [storage=default ]]]])


namespace AppCacheBundle\Service;

use EmagTechLabs\AnnotationCacheBundle\Annotation\Cache;

class AppService
     * @Cache(cache="app_high_cpu", ttl=60)
     * @return int
    public function getHighCPUOperation(): int
        sleep(10); // 'Simulate a time consuming operation';
        return 20;

Annotations defined with PHP 8 attributes

use EmagTechLabs\AnnotationCacheBundle\Annotation\Cache;

 #[Cache(cache:'<put your prefix>', key:'<name of argument to include in cache key separated by comma>', ttl:600, reset: true, storage: 'default')]


namespace AppCacheBundle\Service;

use EmagTechLabs\AnnotationCacheBundle\Annotation\Cache;

class AppService
    #[Cache(cache:'app_high_cpu', ttl: 60)]
    public function getHighCPUOperation(): int
        sleep(10); // 'Simulate a time consuming operation';
        return 20;

Use cases

Below you can find two ways you can use this Bundle


# app/config/services.yaml

        class: Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\ArrayAdapter
        class: Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\RedisAdapter
        arguments: ['@predis']

# Annotation Cache Bundle
        default: cache.array
        redis: cache.redis
      - 'Symfony\\'

Service Code

This bundle can be used in multiple ways, two of them are shown below.

The first case is the most common one, where you have a method that does multiple time-consuming operations, and you want to cache the response in redis with a prefix (simple_time_consuming_operation_) for a given time (60s in the case below). The logic here is to look for the value in redis, and if not found, run the actual method, get the result and cache it for further use taking into account the arguments passed in the @Cache annotation.

The second case could be used if you want to generate the cache in a command and have it already warmed up, or maybe update the cache when a certain event is triggered, or you update the information in a database. Based on the example below, you could set a cron to run every ~3000 seconds and that will recreate the cache before it expires. Because we are using the same cache prefix and keys, when the same argument values are passed for both methods(getTimeConsumingOperationValueWithReset and getTimeConsumingOperationValue), the generated cache key will be the same, in this case: time_consuming_operation_7fe49b314fb356bee76dbd3b8716b4d5ab5db600. That means that both methods will write (and read) the cache in (from) the same cache key. Because the second method has the reset argument set to true, any call to the second method will overwrite the cache value in the key time_consuming_operation_7fe49b314fb356bee76dbd3b8716b4d5ab5db600 with the new result of the function.

namespace AppCacheBundle\Service;

use EmagTechLabs\AnnotationCacheBundle\Annotation\Cache;

class AppService
     * @Cache(cache="simple_time_consuming_operation_", ttl=60, storage="redis")
     * @param int $a
     * @param int $b
     * @return int
    public function getSimpleTimeConsumingOperationValue(int $a, int $b): int
        sleep(10); // 'Simulate a time consuming operation';
        return $a + $b;
    #[Cache(cache:'time_consuming_operation_', key: 'a,b', ttl: 3600, storage: 'redis')]
    public function getTimeConsumingOperationValue(int $a, int $b): int
        return $this->getTimeConsumingOperationValueWithReset($a, $b);
    #[Cache(cache:'time_consuming_operation_', key: 'a,b', ttl: 3600, reset: true, storage: 'redis')]
    public function getTimeConsumingOperationValueWithReset(int $a, int $b): int
        sleep(10); // 'Simulate a time consuming operation';
        return $a + $b;

Service calls

// from controller
/** AppService $appService */
$appService->getTimeConsumingOperationValue(1, 2);

// from command
/** AppService $appService */
$appService->getTimeConsumingOperationValueWithReset(1, 2);


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