
Endroid QR Code Bundle

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6.0.0 2024-10-21 23:18 UTC


By endroid

Latest Stable Version Build Status Total Downloads Monthly Downloads License

This Symfony bundle lets you generate QR Codes using the endroid/qr-code library. It provides the following features:

  • Configure your defaults (like image size, default writer etc.)
  • Support for multiple configurations and injection via aliases
  • Generate QR codes for defined configurations via URL like /qr-code//Hello
  • Generate QR codes or URLs directly from Twig using dedicated functions


Use Composer to install the library. Also make sure you have enabled and configured the GD extension if you want to generate images.

composer require endroid/qr-code-bundle

When you use Symfony, the installer makes sure that services are automatically wired. If this is not the case you can find the configuration files in the .install/symfony folder.

If you don't want the installer to create the auto-configuration files, it can be disabled as described here.


The bundle makes use of builders to create QR codes. The default parameters applied by the builder can optionally be overridden via the configuration. and multiple configurations (thus builders) can be defined.

        writer: Endroid\QrCode\Writer\PngWriter
        data: 'This is customized QR code'
        # Label is not implemented for SvgWriter
        label_text: 'This is the label'
        label_font_path: '%kernel.project_dir%/vendor/endroid/qr-code/assets/noto_sans.otf'
        label_font_size: 20
        label_alignment: 'center'
        writer: Endroid\QrCode\Writer\SvgWriter
            exclude_xml_declaration: true # default: false
        data: 'This is customized QR code'
        size: 300
        encoding: 'UTF-8'
        error_correction_level: 'low' # 'low', 'medium', 'quartile', or 'high'
        round_block_size_mode: 'margin'
        logo_path: '%kernel.project_dir%/vendor/endroid/qr-code/tests/assets/symfony.png'
        logo_resize_to_width: 150
        logo_punchout_background: true
        validate_result: false

Using builders

Each configuration results in a builder which can be injected in your classes. For instance the custom builder from the example above can be injected like this and you can override the default configuration as follows.

use Endroid\QrCode\Builder\BuilderInterface;

public function __construct(BuilderInterface $customQrCodeBuilder)
    $result = $customQrCodeBuilder->build(
        size: 400,
        margin: 20

QR Code Response

The bundle also provides a response object to ease rendering of the resulting image by automatically saving to contents and setting the correct content type.

use Endroid\QrCodeBundle\Response\QrCodeResponse;

$response = new QrCodeResponse($result);

Generate via URL

The bundle provides a controller that allows you to generate QR codes simply by opening an URL like /qr-code/{builder}/{data}. You can configure the prefix in your routing file and pass any of the existing options via query string.

Generate via Twig

The bundle provides a Twig extension for generating a QR code URL, path or data URI. You can use the second argument to specify the builder to use.

<img src="{{ qr_code_path('My QR Code') }}" />
<img src="{{ qr_code_url('My QR Code') }}" />
<img src="{{ qr_code_data_uri('My QR Code') }}" />

{# You can specify the builder via the second parameter #}
<img src="{{ qr_code_data_uri('My QR Code', 'custom') }}" />

{# You can access the width and height via the matrix #}
{% set qrCode = qr_code_result('My QR Code') %}
<img src="{{ qrCode.dataUri }}" width="{{ qrCode.matrix.outerSize }}" />


Version numbers follow the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH scheme. Backwards compatibility breaking changes will be kept to a minimum but be aware that these can occur. Lock your dependencies for production and test your code when upgrading.


This source code is subject to the MIT license bundled in the file LICENSE.