
A skeleton of a Slim application (with extras)

0.3 2016-12-27 18:50 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-15 11:14:00 UTC


This project is a basic skeleton of a Slim application that includes:

  • Controller support
  • Templating via Twig views (including layouts)
  • A basic file structure for an MVC application
  • Database migrations with Phinx
  • Eloquent for working with database models and tables
  • Simple encryption using the Defuse PHP Encryption library
  • Session security improvements (including encryption)


There are two ways you can install the project and get it up and running: automated and manual


To use the automated method, execute the setup.sh script in the root directory of the project:

chmod +x setup.sh

This will ask you a series of questions to set up the application and create the .env configuration file to match


The manual process goes through the same flow, you just have to do things by hand. Here's the basic steps:

  1. Copy the .env.example file to .env
  2. Use your favorite text editor to open the file and update the settings inside to match your configuration
  3. Copy over the phinx.yml.example file to phinx.yml
  4. Open it and, in the development section update it with your database configuration information (matching what's in .env)
  5. Use this command to generate an encryption key:
php -r 'require_once "vendor/autoload.php"; $key = Defuse\Crypto\Key::createNewRandomKey(); echo $key->saveToAsciiSafeString();'

and replace the ENC_KEY value with the result 6. Create a tmp/ directory and chmod it:

mkdir tmp;
chmod -R 777 tmp;

Hosting the site

Built-in PHP server

The simplest way to use the skeleton is to just serve it locally with the built-in PHP server. To do this, clone the repository into a directory and cd public/. Once in the public directory, use this command to host the site:

php -S localhost:8080

This will make the site available on http://localhost:8080 - if you hit that URL in a browser the

Hosting with Apache

You can also set up a virtual host to serve the site from an Apache instance. Ensure that mod_rewrite is enabled and point your web server at the public/ directory as the document root:

<VirtualHost *:80>
	ServerName slim-app.localhost
	DocumentRoot /var/www/slim-app/public
	ErrorLog "/var/log/www/slim-app-error_log"

Be sure to replace the hostname and ErrorLog path for your environment.

Using the Project

Below is information about actually using the project and working with routes, controllers and views.

Adding a new route

The default installation comes with an example of a simple "index" route you can use for reference but here's a guide to setting up a new controller and all its matching pieces:

Create the controller class

The controller class should be created in App\Controller with the naming convention *Controller.php. So, if you're wanting to add some routes for "Foo" the file should be App\Controller\FooController.php and contain the following:


namespace App\Controller;

class FooController extends \App\Controller\BaseController
    public function index()
        return $this->render('/foo/index.php');

Now we have the controller, lets go add that view and the matching route.

Creating the view

In the case of adding a new controller/route, you'll probably want to keep things organized and make a foo directory under the templates\ directory in the base directory. In the controller above we're calling the index.php view so lets put this in templates\foo\index.php:

{% extends 'layouts/main.php' %}

{% block content %}

Foo index view!

{% endblock %}

By default the application uses Twig for output templating. In this example we're extending the main layout (in templates\layouts\main.php) and adding the content for the "foo" index view.

Creating the route

Finally we'll add in the route to connect these two together. Edit the bootstrap\routes.php file and add in this:

$app->get('/foo', '\App\Controller\FooController:index');

That's all there is to it - now when you visit the /foo endpoint on your application you should get the "Foo index view!" content.

Accessing the session

By default the application also includes session support. You can access this easily in your controllers via the container and the session helper property:


namespace App\Controller;

class IndexController extends \App\Controller\BaseController
    public function index()
        $myValue = 'foo';
        // Set the value
        $this->session->set('myvalue', $myValue);

        // Get the value

        return $this->render('/index/index.php');

Working with models

This skeleton makes use of the encapsulated version of the Eloquent functionality from the Laravel framework. You can check out the documentation over on the Laravel site for more information.

To create a new model in the skeleton app, you'll need to add a new file in App\Model named like your table. For example, if you have a table named users you should create a User model in App\Model\User.php:


namespace App\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class User extends Model
	/* nothing to see, move along */

You can then use this model anywhere in your application thanks to the autoloading:

$user = new \App\Model\User();

All Eloquent functionality, including relations, works in this system.

Working with Validation

Also included in the package is the psecio/validation library that can be used for either one-time validation or request validation. It comes included with a request validator for Slim v3 applications that can be easily used in controllers to ensure the information submitted is valid:


namespace App\Controller;

class IndexController extends \App\Controller\BaseController
    public function index($request, $response, $args)
        $data = [];
        $validator = \Psecio\Validation\Validator::getInstance('request.slim3');

        $result = $validator->execute($request, [
            'email' => 'required|email'
        if ($result !== true) {
			echo 'fail!';

        return $this->render('/index/index.php', $data);

The $request instance is passed into the validator's execute() method and a boolean result shows the status of the tests. You can find out more about using this library on the GitHub repository for psecio/validation.

Data encryption

The skeleton is also equipped with a simple encryption handler making use of the ENC_KEY value in the configuration to make it easier to protect data. This handler allows you to encrypt/decrypt string values easily with just two function calls: encrypt and decrypt. This can be accessed with the encryption helper in the controllers:


namespace App\Controller;

class IndexController extends \App\Controller\BaseController
    public function index($request, $response, $args)
		$string = 'this is my string';

		// Encrypt the string for use in the page
		// You can decrypt this data with the $this->encryption->decrypt($data) call
		$data = [
			'string' => $this->encryption->encrypt($string)

		return $this->render('/index/index.php', $data);