
Jarvis is a PHP 7.1 micro-framework

v2.0.0 2017-01-21 15:12 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-12 18:48:37 UTC


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Jarvis is a PHP 7.1 micro framework. It is designed to be simple and lightweight.

Note that if you want to use Jarvis with PHP 5.6, please switch on 0.1 branch or use the v0.1.* tag.

Jarvis requires php >= 7.1. it's based on its own dependency injection container, http foundation component from Symfony and nikic's fast route.



require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$jarvis = new Jarvis\Jarvis();

        ->setHandler(function () {
            return 'Hello world!';

$response = $jarvis->run();


How Jarvis process incoming request

The schema below will sum up how Jarvis\Jarvis::run() treats any incoming request:

INPUT: an instance of Request

|__ Step 1: broadcast RunEvent.
|__ Step 2: check if RunEvent has a response?
| NO    | YES
|       |
|       |_ RETURN Response
|__ Step 3: resolve URI
|__ Step 4: does request match any route?
| NO*   | YES
|       |
|       |_ Step 4a: broadcast ControllerEvent
|       |
|       |_ Step 4b: invoke callback to process the request
|       |
|_ Step 5: broadcast ResponseEvent
|_ RETURN Response

OUT: an instance of Response

*: note that if provided URI does not match any route run() will return an instance of Response with 404 or 406 status code.

Router skill

Jarvis' Router can handle anonymous and named routes. By default, a route is type of HTTP GET method and the pattern setted to /. You can find some example below:

Anonymous route, GET HTTP method, / as pattern


require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$jarvis = new Jarvis\Jarvis();

        ->setHandler(function () {
            return 'foobar!';

Named route, name: user_edit , http method: PUT, pattern: /user/{id}

Note that id must be a number. Let's see how to do so.


require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$jarvis = new Jarvis\Jarvis();

        ->setHandler(function ($id) {
            // Do some stuff

            return "User $id informations are now up-to-date!";

echo $jarvis->router->uri('user_edit', ['id' => 123]); // print '/user/123'

Dependency injection container skill


Jarvis' DIC (dependency injection container) can deal with alias:


$jarvis = new Jarvis\Jarvis();

$jarvis['foo'] = 'hello world';
$jarvis->alias('bar', 'foo');

$jarvis['foo'] === $jarvis['bar']; // = true


::find() is an another useful method provided by Jarvis' DIC:


$jarvis = new Jarvis\Jarvis();

$jarvis['dicaprio_movie_1997'] = 'Titanic';
$jarvis['dicaprio_movie_2010'] = 'Inception';
$jarvis['dicaprio_movie_2014'] = 'The Wolf of Wall Street';

$jarvis->find('dicaprio_movie_*'); // = ['Titanic', 'Inception', 'The Wolf of Wall Street']
$jarvis->find('dicaprio_movie_19*'); // = ['Titanic']
$jarvis->find('dicaprio_movie_2015'); // = []