
A Config Service Provider for Silex 2.0

v1.0.1 2017-01-31 12:30 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-23 16:41:54 UTC


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This service provider for Silex 2.0 uses the Yaml classes from Symfony to provide a config service to a Silex application, and other service providers.


Add euskadi31/config-service-provider to your composer.json:

% php composer.phar require euskadi31/config-service-provider:~1.0




$env = getenv('APP_ENV') ?: 'prod';

$app = new Silex\Application;

$app->register(new \Euskadi31\Silex\Provider\ConfigServiceProvider(
    __DIR__ . '/config/' . $env . '.yml'

Now you can specify a prod and a dev environment.


debug: false


debug: true

To switch between them, just set the APP_ENV environment variable. In apache that would be:

SetEnv APP_ENV dev

Or in nginx with fcgi:

fastcgi_param APP_ENV dev


Also, you can pass an array of replacement patterns as second argument.


$app = new Silex\Application;

$app->register(new \Euskadi31\Silex\Provider\ConfigServiceProvider(
    __DIR__ . '/config/services.yml',
        'data_path' => __DIR__ . '/data'

Now you can use the pattern in your configuration file.


xsl.path: %data_path%/xsl

You can also specify replacements inside the config file by using a key with %foo% notation:

%root_path%: ../..,
xsl.path: %root_path%/xsl

Register order

Make sure you register ConfigServiceProvider last with your application. If you do not do this, the default values of other Providers will override your configuration.


ConfigServiceProvider is licensed under the MIT license.