
Eu VAT formatting and validation Laravel package

v1.0.1 2019-08-28 13:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:22:20 UTC


PHP Version Laravel Version License

This Laravel package enables the formatting and validation of (EU) VAT numbers.

For validation it uses the endpoints of the European Commission's VAT Information Exchange Service (VIES)

Table of Contents


Via Composer

$ composer require eventix/eu-vat


When the package is included in a Laravel project, composer autoload functionality has automatically discovered a Service Provider. This will extend the Laravel Validator with a validation rule (vat_number).

Also an alias for a Facade is registered. This facade (EuVat) will enable manual formatting and validation for vat numbers.

Supported countries

EuVat::codes(): array; // List of supported country codes 
EuVat::supports(string $countryCode): bool; // Determines if a given country code is supported
EuVat::name(string $countryCode): ?string; // Returns the (english) name associated with a country code if it is supported)
EuVat::inferCountry(string $vatNumber): ?string; // (Try to) guess the country of a vat number.

Vat Numbers

EuVat::format(string $vatNumber, ?string $countryCode = null): ?string // (Try to) format a vat number by the formatting rules of a given country, or a guessed country
EuVat::validate(string $vatNumber, ?string $countryCode = null): ?string // (Try to) validate a vat number by the formatting rules of a given country, or a guessed country


Validates the vat number by inferring its country

$data = [
    'vat_nr' => 'NL123456789B01',

$validator = Validator::make($data, [
    'vat_nr' => 'required|vat_number',

Validates the vat number for a given country

$data = [
    'vat_nr' => 'NL123456789B01',

$validator = Validator::make($data, [
    'vat_nr' => 'required|vat_number:NL',

Validates the vat number for a country determined by another field

$data = [
    'country' => 'NL',
    'vat_nr' => 'NL123456789B01',

$validator = Validator::make($data, [
    'vat_nr' => 'required|vat_number:country',

Validation ONLY when the vat number changes

If the value does not change... it should already be valid. This will reduce the calls to VIES. Note: The validation rule needs the original value for this to work.

Validates a changed vat number for an inferred country

$data = [
    'vat_nr' => 'NL123456789B01',

$validator = Validator::make($data, [
    'vat_nr' => 'required|vat_number:NULL,NL123456789B01',

Validates a changed vat number for a country determined by another field

$data = [
    'country' => 'NL',
    'vat_nr' => 'NL123456789B01',

$validator = Validator::make($data, [
    'vat_nr' => 'required|vat_number:country,NL123456789B01',

Validates a changed vat number for a given country

$data = [
    'vat_nr' => 'NL123456789B01',

$validator = Validator::make($data, [
    'vat_nr' => 'required|vat_number:NL,NL123456789B01',


Note, for testing the project needs to be cloned and all dependencies installed first.

$ cd /packages/directory
$ git clone git@github.com:Eventix/eu-vat.git
$ composer install
$ composer test


Please see License File.

No liability, implementor is responsible for reviewing code!


Please open an issue.


Please contribute using Github Flow. Fork the project, create a branch, add commits, and open a pull request.


  • Test coverage is not a 100% yet.


  • Opportunities for localized country names
  • Opportunities for 3 char country codes
  • Opportunities for country/ies outside the EU