
Everon Criteria Builder Component

3.0.0 2021-06-04 16:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-05 15:59:35 UTC


Library to generate complete SQL WHERE statements, with simple, fluid and intuitive interface.


  • Use v1.x and v2.x with PHP 7.2+
  • Use v3.x with PHP 8+


  • It's not a DQL
  • SQL for what's important, fluid interface for boring stuff
  • Automatic PDO parameter name escaping and uniqueness, custom parameters
  • Fluid interface
  • Easily to create multiple conditions
  • Almost 20 ready to use Operators
  • Easy to extend with Custom Operators
  • Intuitive Interface: clear, small and simple API
  • Clean code

No boring Sql

Focus on what's important

You can attach your own SQL via CriteriaBuilder->sql($sql) and have easy and flexible way of generating fast sql queries without dealing with boring string concatenations, code duplication and vast amount of if/else, switch statements or constants required to handle logic related to LIMIT, OFFSET or SORT statements. All those boring parts were eliminated with CriteriaBuilderInterface.

Hammer won't do when you need a screwdriver

Putting boring stuff aside you have full control on how the SQL is constructed, which is helpful for highly complex, complicated or very specific queries where using DQL makes things actually harder then easier. DQL is great for everyday use, however sometimes you need to express yourself in very specific way, and raw SQL is the best way to get you there.

Translate request into something database can understand

Easy to translate request parameters into something database can understand with Operators, where statements and methods like setLimit, setOffset, or setOrderBy. Useful for pagination or filtering, for example.

Clear separation between SQL, SQL PARAMETERS, and applying concepts like aggregation, sort, or limit. Now you can focus only on what's important, the SQL part.

Very easy to use with PDO thanks to SqlPartInterface

$sth = $dbh->prepare($SqlPart->getSql());


Simple Query

    ->where('id', '=', 123)

Will be converted into:

WHERE (id = :id_843451772)

With parameters:

array(8) [
  'id_843451772' => integer 123

Where, orWhere, andWhere

Each where statement creates new Container with Criteria object. A Criteria object contains set of Criterium objects. A Criterium is a condition.

You can append Criterium by using andWhere and orWhere methods.

Every time you use where statement a new Criteria will be created, ready for new set of conditions.

    ->where('id', 'IN', [1,2,3])
        ->orWhere('id', 'NOT IN', [4,5,6])
        ->andWhere('name', '=', 'foo');
    ->where('modified', 'IS', null)
        ->andWhere('name', '!=', null)
        ->orWhere('id', '=', 55);

Will be converted into:

    id IN (:id_843451778,:id_897328169,:id_1377365551)
    OR id NOT IN (:id_1260952006,:id_519145813,:id_1367241593)
    AND name = :name_1178871152
    modified IS NULL
    AND name IS NOT NULL
    OR id = :id_895877163

With parameters:

array(8) [
  'name_1178871152' => string (3) "foo"
  'id_1260952006' => integer 4
  'id_519145813' => integer 5
  'id_1367241593' => integer 6
  'id_843451778' => integer 1
  'id_897328169' => integer 2
  'id_1377365551' => integer 3
  'id_895877163' => integer 55

To connect Criteria with OR operator use glueByOr method.

    ->where('id', 'IN', [1,2,3])
        ->orWhere('id', 'NOT IN', [4,5,6])
        ->andWhere('name', '=', 'foo');
    ->where('modified', 'IS', null)
        ->andWhere('name', '!=', null)
        ->orWhere('id', '=', 55);

Will be converted into:

    id IN (:id_843451778,:id_897328169,:id_1377365551)
    OR id NOT IN (:id_1260952006,:id_519145813,:id_1367241593)
    AND name = :name_1178871152
OR (
    modified IS NULL
    AND name IS NOT NULL
    OR id = :id_895877163


RAW SQL is easy to implement with whereRaw methods.

    ->whereRaw('foo + bar')

Will be converted into:

WHERE (foo + bar AND 1=1 OR foo::bar())

Group By

Group By is easily usable with setGroupBy method

    ->where('name', '!=', 'foo')
        ->andWhere('id', '=', 123)

Will be converted into:

WHERE (name != :name_1178871154 AND id = :id_897328160)
GROUP BY name,id

With parameters:

array(8) [
  'name_1178871154' => string (3) "foo"
  'id_897328160' => integer 123

Limit and Offset

Pretty straightforward with setLimit and setOffset methods.

    ->whereRaw('foo + bar')

Will be converted into:

WHERE (foo + bar AND 1=1 OR foo::bar())

Order By

Order By is implemented using ASC and DESC keywords, in an associative array with setOrderBy method.

    ->whereRaw('foo + bar')
        'name' => 'DESC',
        'id' => 'ASC'

Will be converted into:

WHERE (foo + bar AND 1=1 OR foo::bar())

Custom Gluing

Manual Criteria handling is also possible by using the glue methods.

        ->where('id', 'IN', [1,2,3])
        ->orWhere('id', 'NOT IN', [4,5,6])
        ->where('name', '!=', 'foo')
        ->andWhere('email', '!=', 'foo@bar')
        ->where('bar', '=', 'bar')
        ->andWhere('name', '=', 'Doe');

$CriteriaBuilder->setOrderBy(['name' => 'DESC', 'id' => 'ASC']);

Will be converted into:

(id IN (:id_1263450107,:id_1088910886,:id_404821955) OR id NOT IN (:id_470739703,:id_562547487,:id_230395754))
OR (name != :name_1409254675 AND email != :name_190021050)
AND (bar = :bar_1337676982 AND name = :name_391340793)
GROUP BY name,id

With parameters:

array(10) [
    'id_470739703' => integer 4
    'id_562547487' => integer 5
    'id_230395754' => integer 6
    'id_1263450107' => integer 1
    'id_1088910886' => integer 2
    'id_404821955' => integer 3
    'name_190021050' => string (3) "foo@bar"
    'name_1409254675' => string (3) "foo"
    'name_391340793' => string (3) "Doe"
    'bar_1337676982' => string (3) "bar"


There are almost 20 operators ready for use like Equal, NotIn, Between or Is. Check them all here.


$CriteriaBuilder->where('foo', '=', 'bar');

Will output:

WHERE (foo = :foo_1337676681)


$CriteriaBuilder->where('foo', 'NOT IN', ['bar', 'buzz']);

Will output:

WHERE (foo NOT IN [:foo_1337676681, :foo_1337776681)


There must be exactly 2 parameters provided or an exception will be thrown.

$CriteriaBuilder->where('foo', 'BETWEEN', ['bar', 'buzz']);

Will output:

WHERE (foo BETWEEN :foo_1337676681 AND :foo_1337776681)

There are many more. See here for more examples.

Custom Operators

You can register your own Operators with:

 * @param $sql_type
 * @param $operator_class_name
 * @return void
public static function registerOperator($sql_type, $operator_class_name);

For example:

class OperatorCustomTypeStub extends AbstractOperator
    const TYPE_NAME = 'CustomType';
    const TYPE_AS_SQL = '<sql for custom operator>';

Builder::registerOperator(OperatorCustomTypeStub::TYPE_AS_SQL, 'Some\Namespace\OperatorCustomTypeStub');

You can use your own operator with raw methods.

$CriteriaBuilder->whereRaw('bar', null, OperatorCustomTypeStub::TYPE_AS_SQL);
$CriteriaBuilder->andWhereRaw('foo', ['foo' => 'bar'], OperatorCustomTypeStub::TYPE_AS_SQL);
$CriteriaBuilder->orWhereRaw('foo', 'bar', OperatorCustomTypeStub::TYPE_AS_SQL);

Will output:

WHERE (bar <sql for custom operator> NULL AND foo <sql for custom operator> :foo_1337676981
    OR foo <sql for custom operator> :foo_2137676760 )

See https://github.com/oliwierptak/everon-criteria-builder/tree/development/src/Operator for more examples

How to use

Dependency Injection is done with Everon Factory.

Initialize with CriteriaBuilderFactoryWorker->buildCriteriaBuilder().

use Everon\Component\CriteriaBuilder\CriteriaBuilderFactoryWorkerInterface;
use Everon\Component\Factory\Dependency\Container;
use Everon\Component\Factory\Factory;


$Container = new Container();
$Factory = new Factory($Container);
$Factory->registerWorkerCallback('CriteriaBuilderFactoryWorker', function() use ($Factory) {
    return $Factory->buildWorker(CriteriaBuilderFactoryWorker::class);

$CriteriaBuilderFactoryWorker = $Factory->getWorkerByName('CriteriaBuilderFactoryWorker');
$CriteriaBuilder = $CriteriaBuilderFactoryWorker->buildCriteriaBuilder();

Setup your conditions.

        ->where('sku', 'LIKE', '13%')
        ->orWhere('id', 'IN', [1, 2, 3])
        ->where('created_at', '>', '2015-12-03 12:27:22');

Append criteria string to already existing sql.

$sql = 'SELECT * FROM <TABLE>';
$sql = $sql . (string) $CriteriaBuilder;
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);

Fetch sample data. After you attached SQL to the CriteriaBuilder, it's even easier to retrieve sql query and its parameters, with SqlPartInterface and methods like getSql and getParameters.

$dbh = new \PDO('mysql:host=;dbname=DATABASE', 'root', '');
$SqlPart = $CriteriaBuilder->toSqlPart();
$sth = $dbh->prepare($SqlPart->getSql());

Putting it all together

$dbh = new \PDO('mysql:host=;dbname=DATABASE', 'root', '');
    ->sql('SELECT * FROM fooTable f LEFT JOIN barTable b ON f.bar_id = b.id AND f.is_active = :is_active')
    ->where('bar', '=', 1)
        ->andWhere('foo', 'NOT IN', [1,2,3])
        ->orWhereRaw('foo::bar() IS NULL')
    ->setParameter('is_active', false)
    ->setOrderBy(['foo' => 'DESC']);

$SqlPart = $CriteriaBuilder->toSqlPart();
$sth = $dbh->prepare($SqlPart->getSql());
$data = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

Test Driven

Check the tests for more examples of usage here