
PHPIncludes traverses your source and automatically creates an 'includes' file.

0.2.0 2013-06-21 14:14 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-12 15:17:27 UTC


This is a simple script that traverses your sourcecode and attempts and create an 'includes' file.

Using an includes file instead of for example autoload can have significant performance benefits.


    "require" : {
        "evert/phpincludes" : "~0.2"

This will install the package into vendor/evert/phpincludes, and symlink the executable in vendor/bin. I tend to do something like this:

    "require" : {
        "evert/phpincludes" : "~0.2"
    "config" : {
        "bin-dir" : "bin"

So all my project's bin files are in a local bin/ directory. On my own system I also have a ~/bin/ directory (in my home) and install various php utilities using composer.


phpincludes [--php52] [-v] <directory> [outputfile]

    This is the directory that will be scanned for PHP files.

    Outputfile is the file PHPIncludes writes to. If it's not specified, it will
    be sent to STDOUT

    If the output file already exists, it will attempt to update the existing
    includes file. It does so by looking at two markers in the file:

    // Begin includes\n
    // End includes\n

    Every before '// Begin includes\n' will be retained, as well as everything
    after '// End includes\n'. Everything in between will be overwritten. The
    \n is a unix newline.


    By default every include will be prefixed with the __DIR__ constant, so that
    every line looks like:

    include __DIR__ . '/File.php';

    If the php52 option is supplied, the __DIR__ constant is not used, but
    instead every file will be prefixed with dirname(__FILE__).

    The verbose option will show a lot of debugging output.


  • Files with no classes or interfaces are ignored, those need to be added
  • Allow checking for files with extensions other than .php