
A Laravel Nova Markdown Field.

dev-main 2023-07-27 10:02 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-07 15:40:19 UTC


Nova Markdown

Nova Markdown

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Add a markdown editor field to Laravel Nova. Based on easymde, Nova Markdown supports highlighting, some useful buttons and inline image uploads. It's simple, configurable, and it just works™.

Nova Markdown

Installation instructions

Require everzel/nova-markdown using composer:

composer require everzel/nova-markdown

The package will register itself using Laravels' package autodiscovery. Now, whenever you want to use a Markdown field use Markdown::make like you would expect in the fields() method of a Nova resource.

use Everzel\Markdown\Markdown;

public function fields(Request $request)
    return [
        Markdown::make("Field Name"),

It will accept all default Nova options:

use Everzel\Markdown\Markdown;

public function fields(Request $request)
    return [

Image uploads

Nova Markdown supports inline image uploads. To upload an image you can drag-and-drop it onto the markdown editor. Alternatively, pasting an image from your clipboard will also work.

Image upload is enabled by default for all Markdown fields. It can be disabled entirely, or by default, through the config. Image upload can be enabled or disabled on a per-field basis, but this will only toggle the frontend implementation of image uploads.

use Everzel\Markdown\Markdown;

public function fields(Request $request)
    return [
        Markdown::make("Field With Uploads")->uploads(),
        Markdown::make("Field Without Uploads")->uploads(false),

Image upload should just work™. Nova Markdown aims to support image uploads on a vanilla laravel + nova project. The following assumptions must be met. It's possible to override most of these through the config.

  • A disk named public is assumed to be configured in filesystems.php.
  • Nova Markdown uses spatie/image for compressing and resizing images. Image requires the php exif extension to be enabled.
  • Nova Markdown registers a route and a controller in the same middleware configured in nova.middleware. This assumes an authenticated user that may access Nova may also upload images through Nova Markdown's image upload route.


Config mainly deals with image uploads. Sensible defaults are provided, but Nova Markdown aims to be fully configurable either through config/nova-markdown.php or env variables.

For all configuration options please see the default config, which can be published:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Everzel\Markdown\FieldServiceProvider"

This will create a config/nova-markdown.php file in your app that you can modify to set your configuration. Please make sure you check for changes to the original config file in this package between releases. The following are some of the most usefull config items.

Enable uploads

Config key: uploads
Default: true

Setting this to false will disable image uploads completely.

Enable uploads by default

Config key: uploads-default-enabled
Default: true

Will enable uploads by default (to be enabled on a per-field basis). Has no effect when uploads are disabled entirely.

Set disk

Config key: disk
Default: public

Set the disk where uploads are stored. Must be configured in filesystems.php.


Config key: directory
Default: uploads

Set the directory where images are uploaded. Alternatively, it's possible to configure a function, which takes the uploading $user as argument and can be used to group files by user. Example:

function($user) { 
    return "uploads/" . \Str::slug($user->name); 

Maximum upload size

Config key: max-size
Default: 8 * 1024

The maximum size for uploaded images in kilobytes.

Maximum upload width

Config key: max-width
Default: 1920

The maximum width for uploaded images in pixels. Uploaded images will be scaled down to this width. Use null to disable image scaling.

Image Quality

Config key: quality
Default: 85

Uploaded images will be converted to this quality. Integer between 0 and 100. Use null to disable quality adjustments.

Random Filename

Config key: random_filename
Default: false

Uploaded images will be stored by default using a slug version of its original filename. You can set this to true to use a random filename instead.


If you discover any security related issues, please email dinand@dcreative.nl instead of using the issue tracker.

Rendering markdown

Nova Markdown will add a markdown editor field to Nova. It does not render markdown outside Nova. For rendering the markdown in Laravel views I recommend having a look at Laravel Markdown or commonmark.

Difference with Nova's own markdown

Nova, ofcourse, offers it's own markdown field. Nova's official markdown and this, Nova Markdown, are similar. Both of them offer inline text highlighting of markdown text. Neither of them perform transformations on the input and simply store it as plain text, usually in a TEXT column.

This package however will add some more highlighting and toolbar buttons that are not included the default Markdown field. But mainly, Nova Markdown handles image uploads.

Functionality Default Markdown Nova Markdown
Strong V V
Italic V V
External image V V
Link V V
Preview V V
Inline image upload - V
Headings - V
Blockquotes - V
Ordered lists - V
Unordered lists - V
Side-by-side view - V


  • Write tests


Dcreative Open Source

This project is proudly created and maintained by Dcreative. Dcreative is a tiny webdevelopmment agency in the Netherlands.

I have benefited a lot from PHP, Laravel, and countless other open source projects. Nova Markdown is my small contribution in return. Has Nova Markdown been useful to you? Feel free to drop me a thank-you note or donate a beer. Regardless, I'm happy to provide Nova Markdown.

First version based on @palauaandsons