
UI components pre-styled with our branding





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Watchers: 4

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dev-main 2023-02-10 21:31 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-11 01:27:42 UTC


About This Repository

This repository contains UI components and assets with our branding. It is only designed for use on EXACT Sports branded websites.


In the project composer.json file add the following to the 'require' list:

"exactsports/blade-component-library": "dev-main",

In Terminal, run the following code:

composer require exactsports/blade-component-library

npm run dev


All the components can have class attributes which will be merged with the base component class.
For some components there are different settings based on the brand. The brand is added to the .env file:

BRAND = exact

The current options are: 'exact' and 'spect8'.


HTML headings are defined with the <h1> to <h6> tags.

<x-bcl::headings.h1>Heading 1</x-bcl::headings.h1>
<x-bcl::headings.h2>Heading 2</x-bcl::headings.h2>
<x-bcl::headings.h3>Heading 3</x-bcl::headings.h3>
<x-bcl::headings.h4>Heading 4</x-bcl::headings.h4>
<x-bcl::headings.h5>Heading 5</x-bcl::headings.h5>
<x-bcl::headings.h6>Heading 6</x-bcl::headings.h6>

AlpineJS and Livewire models can also be used with the 'x-' and 'wire:' attributes.


Anchor tags <a> have four variables that can be passed through to the component: href (default: #), color (default: blue), icon (default: null) and target (default: _blank).

The color choices are: blue, logo-orange, bright-orange and maroon.
The icon choices are: ext (external link) and back (back arrow).
Target and href are standard anchor variables.

<x-bcl::anchor color="blue" href="https://laravel.com" target="_blank" icon="ext">Laravel</x-bcl::anchor>


Alerts have two variable that can be passed to the component: type and flag (default = false).

This is a choice between success, warning and failure. Each option is a different colour and icon.

Alternatively, you can change the icon to be a flag by padding this through, as below.

<x-alert class="my-4" type="warning" flag>
    <p class="text-sm">
        You have no credits left.
        <a href="#" class="font-medium underline hover:text-gray-800">
            Upgrade your account to add more credits.

AlpineJS and Livewire models can also be used with the 'x-' and 'wire:' attributes.


Buttons have one optional variable that can be passed to the component: color.

The color choices are based on the brands and are: logo-orange, bright-orange, maroon, dark-gray, pale-brown and beige.

AlpineJS and Livewire models can also be used with the 'x-' and 'wire:' attributes.

<x-bcl::badge color="bright-orange">Badge</x-bcl::badge>


Buttons have one optional variable that can be passed to the component: icon.

The icon choices are: football, video, upload, share, label.

AlpineJS and Livewire models can also be used with the 'x-' and 'wire:' attributes.

<x-bcl::button.primary icon="football">Primary Button</x-bcl::button.primary>
<x-bcl::button.secondary>Secondary Button</x-bcl::button.secondary>
<x-bcl::button.cancel>Cancel Button</x-bcl::button.cancel>

Icon Links

Icon links are standard anchor tags that are icons instead of text. One variable can be passed to the component: icon.

The icon choices are: football, edit, delete, share, label.

<x-bcl::icon-link href="#" icon="football"></x-bcl::icon-link>


Progress Steps

Loading Spinners

The loading spinner is used with a Livewire component and can be used on its own or as part of another element, e.g. a button. The spinner also requires some custom CSS.

There are options for the spinner which are size (la-sm or la-2x or la-3x), icon (default is ball-spin-clockwise, the other is line-scale) and whether it is dark or light (light is default, the example below shows the dark alternative).

<div wire:loading.delay wire:target="input" class="absolute inset-y-0 right-0 flex items-center pt-3 pr-3 pointer-events-none">
    <x-loading size="la-sm" shade="la-dark"></x-loading>


Inputs can be used horizontally or vertically. The default is vertical (the label above the input), to change to the label being to the left of the input add the 'inline' attribute.

There are size different types of input: text, textarea, checkbox and select. There are also two input groups: checkbox and radio.

Vertical alignment requires a grid or flex on the containing <div>, see the example below. The vertical alignment has no class requirements on the containing div.

Each input is contained within either the group component or, for checbox and radio groups, the option-group component.

Each type of input has its own attributes:


Attributes: label, for, error (default is false), helpText (default is false) and inline (default is false).

Option Group

Attributes: inline and label.


Attributes: id, name, placeholder and type (default is text).


Attributes: id, name, placeholder and rows (default is 3).


Attributes: id, name and placeholder.


Attributes: id, name, value.


Attributes: id, name, label, value and type (radio or checkbox).

<div class="grid grid-cols-1 mt-6 gap-y-6 gap-x-4 sm:grid-cols-6">
    <!-- Input: text -->
    <x-input.group for="testText" label="input.text" error="Sample error text" helpText="Sample help text">
        <x-input.text id="testText" name="testText" aria-placeholder="test" placeholder="testText" />
    <!-- Textarea -->
    <x-input.group for="testTextarea" label="input.textarea" error="Sample error text" helpText="Sample help text">
        <x-input.textarea id="testTextarea" name="testTextarea" aria-placeholder="test" placeholder="testTextarea" rows="5"></x-input.textarea>
    <!-- Input: Checkbox -->
    <x-input.group for="testCheckbox" label="input.checkbox" error="Sample error text" helpText="Sample help text">
        <x-input.checkbox id="testCheckbox" name="testCheckbox" value="1" />
    <!-- Select/Dropdown -->
    <x-input.group for="testSelect" label="input.select" error="Sample error text" helpText="Sample help text">
        <x-input.select id="testSelect" name="testSelect">
            <option value="" disabled>Select Column...</option>
            <option value="1">Option 1</option>
            <option value="2">Option 1</option>

    <!-- Input: Radio Group-->
    <x-input.option-group label="input.option-group: Radio">
        <x-input.option type="radio" id="radio-group" name="radio-group" value="1" label="radio 1"></x-input.option>
        <x-input.option type="radio" id="radio-group" name="radio-group" value="2" label="radio 2"></x-input.option>

    <!-- Input: Checkbox Group-->
    <x-input.option-group label="input.option-group: Checkbox">
        <x-input.option type="checkbox" id="check-group" name="check-group" value="1" label="check 1"></x-input.option>
        <x-input.option type="checkbox" id="check-group" name="check-group" value="2" label="check 2"></x-input.option>


The tables are split into the base table and then three parts: head, body and foot.