
PSR-7/17 factory adapter for the PHP fat-free framework

1.0.0 2025-02-03 00:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-03 14:51:44 UTC


This is a plugin to enable PSR-7 HTTP message usage by the framework core.

In order to do so, this package can register any PSR-17 compatible HTTP message factory to the frameworks' core dependency injection container, that can be used to create and hydrate a Request (or ServerRequest) object from current framework globals, so it can be consumed by the route-handling controller or any other package.


This plugin requires:

composer require f3-factory/fatfree-psr7-factory

Register factory service

The HTTP message objects (PSR-7) are created by a related PSR-17 factory.

At first, we need to register the PSR-17 factories for every PSR-7 interface. Some PSR-17 packages have different factories for each interface, some share the same for all of them.

This example uses the Psr17Factory from our own fatfree-psr7 package, which is very fast and of course fat-free.

To install it run composer require f3-factory/fatfree-psr7 OR install any other PSR-7 and PSR-17 package you'd like to use instead.

In your bootstrap code or front controller (i.e. index.php):

// create the PSR17 adapter
$psrAdapter = F3\Http\MessageFactory::instance();
// register the factories:
    requestFactory:       Psr17Factory::class,
    responseFactory:      Psr17Factory::class,
    serverRequestFactory: Psr17Factory::class,
    uploadedFileFactory:  Psr17Factory::class,
    uriFactory:           Psr17Factory::class,
    streamFactory:        Psr17Factory::class,
// register the concrete Request / Response objects 

NB: Instead of the code above, you can use this included shortcut, which will execute this exact same sequence for you, but it only works with our own fatfree-psr7 package:


Registering the RequestInterface, ServerRequestInterface and ResponseInterface bindings will tell the dependency injection container which shortcut to use to resolve and hydrate the objects accordingly when you type-hinting them in your route controller.


You can receive the Request and Response objects from any point now, i.e. from route handlers via auto-injection:

$f3->route('GET /hallo-world', function(
    Base $f3, 
    RequestInterface $request, 
    ResponseInterface $response, 
    StreamFactoryInterface $streamFactory
) {
    $agent = $request->getHeaderLine('User-Agent');
    return $response->withBody($streamFactory
        ->createStream('Your user agent is: '.$agent));

Alternatively you can create a new request object anywhere manually. These are going to be hydrated from the currently available $_SERVER and hive data via:

$request = $f3->make(RequestInterface::class);
// or 
$request = MessageFactory::instance()->makeRequest();

// for Server Request:
$serverRequest = $f3->make(ServerRequestInterface::class);
// or 
$serverRequest = MessageFactory::instance()->makeServerRequest();

Response and the other classes should be instantiated via the PSR17 factory directly and do not need any special treatment by the framework core.

Move uploaded files

This is an example how to use the ServerRequest object to move an uploaded file.

$f3->route('POST /upload', function(Base $app, ServerRequestInterface $request)
    $dir = './uploads/';
    // handle uploaded files
    $files = $request->getUploadedFiles();
    foreach ($files as $fieldName => $file) {
        if ($file instanceof UploadedFile) {

For more usage examples see original PSR Http message readme: