
This will help you to provision and maintain your server up to date to run your Symfony apps

Installs: 27

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 8

Watchers: 2

Forks: 1

Open Issues: 2



v1.0.2 2015-02-16 12:47 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 20:34:50 UTC


See for the newer version.

Ansible provisioning for Symfony project using composer

This project is meant to make the provisioning of servers running one Symfony app as easy and fast as possible.


You should have on your server installed:

How to use it

  1. Require fansible/symfony-ansible in your composer.json: composer require --dev "fansible/symfony-ansible"

  2. Add the file ansible.cfg in your root directory with

    [defaults] hostfile = app/config/ansible/hosts roles_path = vendor/fansible/symfony-ansible/roles

  3. Add your hosts configurations. For vagrant, create a file called vagrant in app/config/ansible/hosts:

    [vagrant] vagrant ansible_ssh_host= ansible_ssh_port=2222 is_vagrant=true

  4. Add the specific vars of your host. For vagrant, create a file called vagrant in app/config/ansible/hosts/group_vars:

    File: app/config/ansible/hosts/group_vars/vagrant

    Write here the vars that are specific to your host

    host_name: "vagrant-{{ name }}" web: server_name: "" iptables_allowed_tcp_ports: [22, 80, 443]


    • name: "{{ name }}" host: "%" pass: "{{ name }}"
  5. If you have already installed Ansible, you can now run your provisioning.

For your vagrant: vagrant provision

For any hosts: ansible-playbook -i app/config/ansible/hosts/HOSTNAME vendor/fansible/symfony-ansible/playbook.yml -u root.

Bonus step for Vagrant

  1. You need to create Here is a Vagrantfile you can use for your project:

    -- mode: ruby --

    vi: set ft=ruby :

    TODO: Change the name

    projectname = 'projectname'

    Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| config.vm.hostname = projectname = "ubuntu/trusty64"

    TODO: Change the directory :private_network, ip: ""

    TODO: Change the directory

    config.vm.synced_folder "./", "/var/www/" + projectname + "/current", type: "nfs"

    config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v| v.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--cpuexecutioncap", "100"] v.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", 2048] v.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--cpus", 2] end

    config.ssh.forward_agent = true

    # Ansible see config.vm.provision "ansible" do |ansible| ansible.sudo = true ansible.playbook = "vendor/fansible/symfony-ansible/playbook.yml" ansible.limit = 'vagrant' ansible.inventory_path = "app/config/ansible/hosts/vagrant" ansible.verbose = "v" #Use vvvv to get more log end end

  2. Change your web/app_dev.php to allow remote connection. You can copy/paste:

    loadClassCache(); $request = Request::createFromGlobals(); $response = $kernel->handle($request); $response->send(); $kernel->terminate($request, $response);