
1.3.0 2016-02-10 12:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-10 23:19:26 UTC


This module provides some help full extension for the ZF2 doctrine module.


After composer is available in your path you are ready to install this module.

$ composer require final-gene/doctrine-module

Then add FinalGene\DoctrineModule to your application config file.


Entity Manager


In ZF2, we retrieve our entity manager like this (example is from a factory):

// ...
public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceManager)
    // like this
    $entityManager = $serviceManager->get('Doctrine\\ORM\\EntityManager');
    // or that
    $entityManager = $serviceManager->get('doctrine.entitymanager.orm_default');

The downside of this is, that you have to know which is the name of your configured manager/connection. If you deal with more than one connection or be part of a multi module project, you are not able to know which connection or entity manager belongs to your entities.


With the use of this module, the above code transforms into the following:

// ...
public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceManager)
    $someEntityManager = $serviceManager->get('EntityManager')->get('SomeEntity');

Now you get a entity manager depending on your loaded modules and their configuration.

If no one configures the DoctrineModule (or the manager within), an abstract factory is called which just load the default entity manager of doctrine.


Simply configure your doctrine connections a described in DoctrineORMModule Documentation.

Repository Manager


In ZF2, we retrieve our repositories like this (example is from a factory):

public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceManager)
    $entityManager = $serviceManager->get('Doctrine\\ORM\\EntityManager');
    $someRepository = $entityManager->getRepository('SomeEntity');

This has multiple downsides:

  1. changing the repositories at runtime is hard because you can't configure the behaviour of the entity manager / entity manager's getRepository method, so you have to invent a "proxy" which then has additional logic when to switch between your different repositories
  2. hard to test: to use an alternative repository you have to mock the getRepository function of the mighty entity manager
  3. hidden dependency: we don't request a dependency from the service manager but from the entity manager
  4. no easy using of a factory class to create your repository


With the use of this module, the above code transforms into the following:

// ...
public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceManager)
    $someRepository = $serviceManager->get('RepositoryManager')->get('SomeEntity');

Now you get a repository depending on your loaded modules and their repository manager configuration.

If no one configures the RepositoryManagerModule, an abstract factory is called which just proxies the request to doctrines entity manager getRepository function.


Configuration Key

The configuration key is repositories. Sub-Keys are the same as in every service manager (invokables, factories, ...).


In your module class via getConfig:

// ...
public function getConfig()
    return [
        'repositories' => [
            'factories' => [
                // your repository factories goes here
                // format: Entity-Name => Repository-Factory.

or via FinalGene\RepositoryManagerModule\ModuleManager\Feature\RepositoryProviderInterface (method getRepositoryConfig)

// ...
public function getRepositoryConfig()
    return [
        'factories' => [
            // your repository factories goes here

or via config/autoload/

return [
    'repositories' => [
        'factories' => [
            // your repository factories goes here
            // format: Entity-Name => Repository-Factory.



This validator will determinate wetter an object for the given parameter exists or not.


The validator can be used and configured as any other validator. You can set the following options:

  • entity_class: The FQCN for the entity object
  • find_method: The method in the repository to find the object

In your validators configuration:

    // ...
        'name' => 'FinalGene\\DoctrineModule\\Validator\\ObjectExists',
        'options' => [
            'entity_class' => 'Your\\Doctrine\\Entity',
            'find_method' => 'find',
            'messageTemplates' => [
                'noObjectFound' => 'Entity with ID \'%value%\' not found',