
1.0.0 2015-12-23 18:06 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-10 23:53:34 UTC



This module provides a hydrator which can be used to manual map the name of REST-Entity classes to custom keys.


Install the package

Run in your shell:

$ composer require "final-gene/zf-hal-hydrator-module"

Load the module

Add the key FinalGene\ZfHalHydratorModule in your application.config.php

Configure the ZF-Hal hydrator

'zf-hal' => [
    'renderer' => [
        'default_hydrator' => 'FinalGene\ZfHalHydratorModule\RestEntityHydrator'

Or configure the hydrator for specific class types via the metadata_map key (documentation) (sub-key hydrator). Look at the documentation of zf-hal for further details.


User Configuration

The top-level key used to configure this module is zf-hal-hydrator-module.

Key: map

An array of class names (key) and their intended name in the output (value).

User configuration example:

'map' => [
    'FinalGene\FooModule\Rest\Entity\BarEntity' => 'final-gene:foo-bar'

System Configuration

'service_manager' => [
    'factories' => [
        'FinalGene\ZfHalHydratorModule\ModuleOptions' => 'FinalGene\ZfHalHydratorModule\Options\ModuleOptionsFactory'
'hydrators' => [
    'factories' => [
        'FinalGene\ZfHalHydratorModule\RestEntityHydrator' => 'FinalGene\ZfHalHydratorModule\Hydrator\HalEntityHydratorFactory'