
Logger compatible with PSR-3. Supports writing to files, STDOUT, STDERR, and syslog. Also provides a chain logger which can write to multiple destinations. Allows customizable and pluggable formats, including logfmt.

3.0.0 2024-09-16 23:35 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-17 00:10:47 UTC


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SimpleLogger is a PHP library to write logs. It has simple, straightforward defaults with additional customization hooks.



composer require firehed/simplelogger


Send log messages to Syslog:


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

// Setup Syslog logging
$logger = new Firehed\SimpleLogger\Syslog('myapp');

// Output to syslog: "Jun  2 15:55:09 hostname myapp[2712]: foobar"

// Output to syslog: "Jun  2 15:55:09 hostname myapp[2712]: Error at /Users/Me/Devel/libraries/simpleLogger/example.php at line 15"
$logger->error('Error at {filename} at line {line}', ['filename' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__]);


Send log messages to a text file:


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

// Setup File logging
$logger = new Firehed\SimpleLogger\File('/tmp/simplelogger.log');

// Output to the file: "[2013-06-02 16:03:28] [info] foobar"

// Output to the file: "[2013-06-02 16:03:28] [error] Error at /Users/fred/Devel/libraries/simpleLogger/example.php at line 24"
$logger->error('Error at {filename} at line {line}', ['filename' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__]);

Stdout and Stderr

$logger = new \Firehed\SimpleLogger\Stdout();
// or
$logger = new \Firehed\SimpleLogger\Stderr();

These loggers will write to STDOUT or STDERR; i.e. php://stdout or php://stderr. Stdout is very commonly used for Docker and/or Kubernetes.

Minimum log level for loggers

In this example, only messages with the level >= "error" will be sent to the Syslog handler but everything is sent to the File handler:


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$syslog = new Firehed\SimpleLogger\Syslog('myapp');
$syslog->setLevel(Psr\Log\LogLevel::ERROR);  // Define the minimum log level

$file = new Firehed\SimpleLogger\File('/tmp/simplelogger.log');

$logger = new Firehed\SimpleLogger\ChainLogger([$syslog, $file]);
$logger->debug('debug info sent only to the text file');
$logger->error('my error message');
$logger->error('my error message with a {variable}', ['variable' => 'test']);

The minimum log level is LogLevel::DEBUG by default.


Starting in 3.0.0, message format customization can be accomplished in several ways:

  • Initialize DefaultFormatter, change its format with setFormat(string $format), and pass it to your logger's constructor
  • Use a different bundled formatter, such as LogFmtFormatter
  • Create a class that implements FormatterInterface and pass that to your logger's constructor


The format provided MUST include %s, which is where the actual interpolated message will be placed. Formats MAY include {date} and/or {level}, which are placeholders for the timestamp and log level respectively.

The default format is [{date}] [{level}] %s, which will result in a log message like this:

[2018-06-28T13:32:12+00:00] [debug] query finished in 0.0021688938140869s

The date defaults to ATOM format, but can also be customized via setDateFormat(string $format) using any format string that date() accepts.

By default, this will ignore exception keys and perform normal message interpolation. By calling setRenderExceptions(true), the equivalent of (string) $context['exception'] will be appended to the log message if that key is set, so long as that value is Throwable.


The LogFmtFormatter will write logs in logfmt. By default, the msg, level, and ts keys will be set, and any values in context that are not interpolated will be added as additional key/value pairs. Exceptions will also be rendered, in exception_message, exception_type, and exception_stacktrace per OTel conventions.

Any values that resolve to empty strings, or cannot be cast to a string (arrays, objects without __toString()) will be removed.


Any interpolated values from context will not be put in the key/value pairs. To make the most out of structured log formats such as logfmt, limit interpolation keys in the coded message.

For example, prefer this:

$logger->debug('Request complete', ['duration_ms' => $ms]);
// produces `msg="Request complete" duration_ms=42`

over this:

$logger->debug('Request complete in {duration} ms', ['duration' => $ms]);
// produces `msg="Request complete in 42 ms"`

Custom FormatterInterface

If you need deeper customization, such as log enrichment or more major format shifts, a custom FormatterInterface is the way to go. Doing so requires your own interpolation logic, as well as any other message enrichment or formatting. You'll be passed the same (unmodified) parameters as LoggerInterface::log() gets, and are responsible for transforming these values into a string.

Sending to multiple loggers

Send log messages to multiple PSR-3 loggers with ChainLogger():


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Firehed\SimpleLogger as SL;

$logger = new SL\ChainLogger([new SL\StdErr()]);
$logger->addLogger(new SL\Syslog('myapp'));
$logger->addLogger(new SL\File('/tmp/simplelogger.log'));

$logger->info('my message');
$logger->error('my error message');
$logger->error('my error message with a {variable}', ['variable' => 'test']);

The ChainLogger supports a log level, in addition to loggers it relays to. This is configuable only by a constructor parameter. If a log entry is less severe than the configured level, none of the loggers in the chain will receive the message. Those loggers may opt to do additional filtering.