
Simple access interface to ConvertKit's web API.

1.0 2020-06-20 03:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-19 23:13:20 UTC


Unofficial ConvertKit PHP API for v3.

This package makes it simple to access ConvertKit's web API. Checkout for more information on ConvertKit's API.

Source Code Software License


Via Composer

$ composer require firewards/convertkit-php-api


The following versions of PHP are supported.

  • PHP 5.6
  • PHP 7.0
  • PHP 7.1
  • PHP 7.2
  • PHP 7.3


All API calls require an API Key. You can find your API Key in the ConvertKit Account page.

API Secret

Some API calls require an API Secret. All calls that require the api key will also work with the api secret, there's no need to use both. This key grants access to sensitive data and actions on your subscribers.


Start by using ConvertKit API and creating an instance with your ConvertKit API key

$api = new \Firewards\Apis\ConvertKit($api_key, $api_secret);


Get all Subscribers

Get all subscribers using pagination.

$i = 0;
while ($subscribers = $api->getSubscribers($i++))
    if (!isset($subscribers->subscribers) || count($subscribers->subscribers) === 0)

Get all Custom Fields

$customFields = $api->getCustomFields();

Create a Custom Field

$lastNameField = $api->createCustomField('last_name');

Update subscriber

Updates a subscriber and adds info to a custom field 'last_name'.

$subscriberId = '1234';
$lastNameField = $api->updateSubscriber($subscriberId, ['last_name' => 'Stücken']);

Get Tags

Retrieve all tags.

$tags = $api->getTags();

Add Subscriber to Tag

Adds a subscriber to a specific tag.

$added = $api->addSubscriberToTag($tagId, $email);

Subscribe to a form

Add a subscriber to a form. The $subscribed response will be an object.

$tag_id = '99999'; // This tag must be valid for your ConvertKit account.

$options = [
			'email'      => '',
			'name'       => 'Full Name',
			'first_name' => 'First Name',
			'tags'       => $tag_id,
			'fields'     => [
				'phone' => 134567891243,
				'shirt_size' => 'M',
				'website_url' => ''

$subscribed = $api->form_subscribe($this->test_form_id, $options);

Get Subscriber ID

Get the ConvertKit Subscriber ID for a given email address.

$subscriber_id = $api->get_subscriber_id( $email );

Get Subscriber

Get subscriber data for a ConvertKit Subscriber.

$subscriber = $api->get_subscriber( $subscriber_id );

Get Subscriber Tags

Get all tags applied to a Subscriber.

$subscriber_tags = $api->get_subscriber_tags( $subscriber_id );

Add Tag to a Subscriber

Apply a tag to a Subscriber.

$tag_id = '99999'; // This tag must be valid for your ConvertKit account.
$api->add_tag(tag_id, [
			'email' => ''

Rate limiting

Please note that ConvertKit is rate limiting requests by 120 requests per minute. If your request rate exceeds the limit, ConvertKit PHP Api will throw a RateLimitExcededException.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


This package is sponsored by, Firewards makes it easy to setup a referral and rewards program for your email list and newsletter.