
Send Spryker transactionals E-Mails

1.0.0 2021-05-19 07:47 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-08 21:17:19 UTC


Extends Spryker transaction mails with a Schema.org conform HTML content


Require the module

To get the module you have to require it with composer: composer require flagbit/spryker-smart-inbox-connector

Generate transfer objects

You have to generate some transfer objects console transfer:generate

Add Plugin to OmsDependencyProvider

The Method \Spryker\Zed\Oms\OmsDependencyProvider::getOmsOrderMailExpanderPlugins returns the plugins which should expand the order mail transfer. You have to extend this class and add a new object of \Flagbit\Zed\SprykerSmartInboxConnector\Communication\Plugin\OneAndOneMailConnectorOrderMailExpanderPlugin to the return array.

Set configuration

Add project namespace

You have to add the namespace of the module to core-namespaces:

$config[\Spryker\Shared\Kernel\KernelConstants::CORE_NAMESPACES] = [

Add shop-name

You have to add the shop-name to config

$config[\Flagbit\Shared\SprykerSmartInboxConnector\OneAndOneMailConnectorConstants::SHOP_NAME] = 'your-shop-name';

Add status matrix

You have to add a list where every state of your orm points on one of those states schema.org/OrderStatus

$config[\Flagbit\Shared\SprykerSmartInboxConnector\OneAndOneMailConnectorConstants::MATRIX_KEY] = [
    'new'                      => 'OrderProcessing',
    'payment pending'          => 'OrderProcessing',
    'invalid'                  => 'OrderCancelled',
    'confirmed'                => 'OrderProcessing',
    'paid'                     => 'OrderProcessing',
    'cancelled'                => 'OrderCancelled',
    'invoice generated'        => 'OrderProcessing',
    'waiting'                  => 'OrderProcessing',
    'gift card purchased'      => 'OrderProcessing',
    'gift card created'        => 'OrderProcessing',
    'gift card shipped'        => 'OrderProcessing',
    'exported'                 => 'OrderProcessing',
    'waiting for conformation' => 'OrderProcessing',
    'shipped'                  => 'OrderInTransit',
    'delivered'                => 'OrderDelivered',
    'closed'                   => 'OrderDelivered',
    'waiting for return'       => 'OrderInTransit',
    'returned'                 => 'OrderReturned',
    'return canceled'          => 'OrderInTransit',
    'shipped to customer'      => 'OrderDelivered',
    'refunded'                 => 'OrderCancelled',