
Nette template helper for lazy creating of thumbnails

v3.0 2013-08-26 08:51 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-21 13:44:56 UTC


Nette template helper for lazy creating of thumbnails

###Instalation Examples is based on Nette version 2.0.12, but the package is compatible with @dev version too

##Register "thumb" extension In bootstrap.php


###Register "thumb" helper

     * Base presenter for all application presenters.
    abstract class BasePresenter extends Presenter

    	 * @param null $class
    	 * @return \Nette\Templating\ITemplate
    	protected function createTemplate($class = null)
    		$template = parent::createTemplate($class);
    		/** @var \Flame\Thumb\IRegister $thumb */
            $thumb = $this->context->getByType('Flame\Thumb\IRegister');
    		return $template;

###Set variables (Optional) In config.neon

			base: %wwwDir%
			thumbs: /media/thumbs

That's all! Enjoy it!