
A library to parse pages and web manifests to extract favicon images

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dev-main 2022-07-11 17:22 UTC

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Last update: 2024-10-11 22:22:20 UTC


A library to parse pages and web manifests to extract favicon images


The best way to install the library is using the Composer Package Manager.

To install, run the following command:

php composer.phar require flavioheleno/favicon

This package is not tied to any specific library that sends HTTP Messages. Instead, it uses PSR-17 (HTTP Factories) and PSR-18 (HTTP Clients) to let developers choose whichever PSR-17 and PSR-18 implementations they want to use.

If you don't use any specific PSR-17 or PSR-18 libraries and want to get started right away you should run the following command:

php composer.phar require flavioheleno/favicon kriswallsmith/buzz nyholm/psr7

This will install the library itself along with a PSR-17 implementation (nyholm/psr7) and a PSR-18 implementation (kriswallsmith/buzz).

You can replace those libraries with any alternative library that provides HTTP Message Implementation (PSR-17) or HTTP Client Implementantion (PSR-18).


Extract all Icons

use Buzz\Client\Curl;
use Favicon\Extractor;
use Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory;

$extractor = new Extractor(
  new Curl(new Psr17Factory()),
  new Psr17Factory()

$favicon = $extractor->from('https://twitter.com');
foreach ($favicon->getIconCollection() as $icon) {
  echo $icon->getRelationship(), ': ', $icon->getUrl(), PHP_EOL;
manifest: https://abs.twimg.com/responsive-web/client-web-legacy/icon-default.ee534d85.png
manifest: https://abs.twimg.com/responsive-web/client-web-legacy/icon-default-large.8e027b65.png
manifest: https://abs.twimg.com/responsive-web/client-web-legacy/icon-default-maskable.2fd29c85.png
manifest: https://abs.twimg.com/responsive-web/client-web-legacy/icon-default-maskable-large.ee2b7aa5.png
shortcut icon: http://abs.twimg.com/favicons/twitter.2.ico
apple-touch-icon: https://abs.twimg.com/responsive-web/client-web-legacy/icon-ios.b1fc7275.png


This library is licensed under the MIT License.