PHP_CodeSniffer standard for compatibility checking of PHP 5.2 to 5.3 migrations.

dev-master 2013-04-13 14:08 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-10 14:44:38 UTC


PHP52to53 is a collection of sniffs for PHP_CodeSniffer that check an PHP 5.2 application for PHP 5.3 compatibility.


  • Check for removed, deprecated or changed function, methods, constants etc. including stuff from removed or changed extensions
  • Scan for usage of added, changed or removed parameters
  • Search for removed ini-directives
  • ..




You cann add the standard to your vendors directory by adding the dependency to your projects composer.json:

"require": {
	"foobugs-standards": "php53to54",

After an update with composer update, you’re able to include the standard via the full path using the --standard parameter:

vendor/bin/phpcs --standard="`pwd`/vendor/foobugs-standards/php53to54" <targetDir>


For the next two options make sure you’ve PHP_CodeSniffer installed. After that you can either put this standard into the PHP_CodeSniffer Standards directory located in your PEAR directory: (pear/PHP/CodeSniffer/Standards) or place the standard somewhere else and use it as standalone standard.


Download the zip master from github and extract it in the PHP_CodeSniffer Standards directory.


This script will go to your PHP_CodeSniffer Standards directory and place a clone of PHP52to53 Standard inside of it:

cd `pear config-get php_dir`/PHP/CodeSniffer/Standards
git clone git://


Installed standard

If you have this standard copied or cloned into the PHPCodeSniffer Standards directory the standard should be listed when calling:

phpcs -i

If PHP52to53 is listed there you’re ready to use this standard on any directory:

phpcs --standard=PHP52to53 <source-path>

External standard

If you did not put the Standard into PHP_CodeSniffers Standard directory you can specify the external location of the standard. Note that the path to the standard must be a full qualified path:

phpcs -standard=/Users/frank/Downloads/PHP52to53/Standards/PHP52to53 <source-path>

You can find more options and arguments (f.i. ignoring files, extensions, memory limit) in the official PHP_CodeSniffer Manual.


You can participate in this project by forking the Repository and push changes back to the project. Feel free to post issues or whishes in the issue section.


This standard is the result of a cooperation with Zend Technologies Ltd. to develop a PHP_CodeSniffer standard for the PHP 5.3 compatibility project. Thanks to Slavey Karadzhov from Zend for supporting and testing it.