
Oauth fde client provider for usage with oauth-server

1.1.0 2023-03-28 13:16 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-28 17:46:32 UTC


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Getphoto Provider for OAuth 2.0 Client

This package provides Getphoto OAuth 2.0 support for the PHP League's OAuth 2.0 Client.


To install, use composer:

$ composer require getphoto/oauth-client


! NOTE ! For common use case with caching check Caching tokens

Usage is the same as The League's OAuth client, using \Getphoto\Oauth2\OauthProvider as the provider. Simple frontend client app using Getphoto\oauth-client with different grant types implemented can be found here

Client credentials grant


$provider = new Getphoto\Oauth2\OauthProvider([
    'clientId'                => 'testclient',
    'clientSecret'            => 'testclient'

try {
    // Try to get an access token using the client credentials grant.
    $token=$provider->getAccessToken( 'client_credentials', ['scope'=>'testscope'] );
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    // Failed to get the access token


Password grant


$provider = new Getphoto\Oauth2\OauthProvider([
    'clientId'                => 'testclient',
    'clientSecret'            => 'testclient'

try {
    // Try to get an access token using the password grant.
    $token=$provider->getAccessToken( 'password', [
                    'username' => '',
                    'password' => 'password'
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    // Failed to get the access token

//we can then use getResorceOwner to get user data


Password Ftp grant


$provider = new Getphoto\Oauth2\OauthProvider([
    'clientId'                => 'testclient',
    'clientSecret'            => 'testclient'

try {
    // Try to get an access token using the password grant.
    $token=$provider->getAccessToken( 'password_ftp', [
                    'username' => 'test',
                    'password' => 'password'
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    // Failed to get the access token

//we can then use getResorceOwner to get user data


Authorization code grant


$provider=new OauthProvider([
    'clientId'                => 'testclient',
    'clientSecret'            => 'testclient',
    'redirectUri'             => 'here_goes_current_url'               

// If we don't have an authorization code then get one
if (!isset($_GET['code'])) {

    // Fetch the authorization URL from the provider; this returns the
    // urlAuthorize option and generates and applies any necessary parameters
    // (e.g. state).
    $authorizationUrl = $provider->getAuthorizationUrl(['scope' => 'testscope']);

    // Get the state generated for you and store it to the session.
    $_SESSION['oauth2state'] = $provider->getState();

    // Redirect the user to the authorization URL.
    header('Location: ' . $authorizationUrl);

// Check given state against previously stored one to mitigate CSRF attack
} elseif (empty($_GET['state']) || ($_GET['state'] !== $_SESSION['oauth2state'])) {
    // State is invalid, possible CSRF attack in progress
    exit('Invalid state');

} else {

    try {
        // Try to get an access token using the authorization code grant.
        $token=$provider->getAccessToken( 'authorization_code', [
            'scope' => 'testscope',
            'code'  => $_GET['code']

    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        // Failed to get the access token
        exit('ERROR: '.$e->getMessage());

//we can then use getResorceOwner to get user data


For more detailed description about this grants and use cases please read core package documentation.

Getting the resource owner data

There is a convinient way to get resource owner data (user data) using ResourceOwner class:


$user_data=$resource_owner->getUserData(); //gets related user data
   "id" => 7053
   "name" => "tre"
   "email" => ""
   "created_at" => null
   "updated_at" => "2017-05-15 10:03:10"
   "core_user_id" => 20128
   "photographer_id" => 47911

$user_scopes=$resource_owner->getScopes(); //get scopes token hass access to
   "" => [
     "id" => ""
     "description" => "Some nice description"

Caching Tokens

From several use cases we've seen that caching token logic is common and really similar. This is why this package now provides convenient method for caching tokens - getAccessTokenSmart (which also does one additional fallback call if token fetch fails and loggs errors)

OauthProvider Constructor options

public function __construct(array $options = [], array $collaborators = [])

Via constructor you can set new options:

  • cacheOn bool - wheather to use cache or not in getAccessTokenSmart (default is true)
  • cacheSafeInterval float - how many minutes before expiration to renew token (default is 5)
  • cachePrefix string - important to set if using provider across same system but different use case (default is '')

And also additional collaborators:

  • logger - instance of a logging class that implements LoggerInterface - default is simple file logger Logger
  • cacher - instance of a caching class that implements CacherInterface - default is simple file cacher Cacher

getAccessTokenSmart method

Same args as in getAccessToken with additional options so you can override options set in constructor (just for this call) - cacheOn, cacheSafeInterval, cachePrefix.

clearTokenCache method

public function clearTokenCache($prefix = '')

Use this method when you want to forget cached token. With $prefix (for which to clear tokens) param you can override constructor setting for this call.

Example usage of getAccessTokenSmart:

Here is example usage from our core system which calls oauth server to sync user changes:

1. Constructing provider:

$this->oauthProvider = new OauthProvider(
        'clientId' => 'some_clinet',
        'clientSecret' => 'some_secret',
        'cachePrefix' => 'userApi'
        'cacher' => new OauthCakeCacher(), //implemented using native cake cache
        'logger' => new OauthCakeLogger()  //implemented using native cake log

2. Getting token:

$token = $this->oauthProvider->getAccessTokenSmart('client_credentials', [
    'scope' => 'some_scope'

3. Calling protected API and clearing token cache if invalid token

... //some call to protected API with your token goes here
$response = $request->send();

//clear token if invalid
if ($response->getStatusCode() == 403 || $response->getStatusCode() == 401) {
    //forget invalid token

NOTE: For example of session implementation of CacherInterface check Oauth lib in core system. And usage in Jobs plugin ApiComponent


There is a logout method now to expire the token, you should implement it in your logout flow to save some resources on our authentication server:



$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit vendor/getphoto/oauth-client