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Fast Initialization and Rebuilding of Environments.

FIRE is a standardized set of commands to run local Drupal environments, regardless of which Docker wrapper you use (Lando or DDEV), and regardless of where the live site is hosted (Pantheon or Acquia). This means that every site that you work on will use the same commands for things like getting a fresh database (fire get-db). This makes it quicker and easier to get new people working on any of your sites.


  1. Install the FIRE Launcher on your computer (Recommended but optional)
  2. Install the commands package into your project
    composer require fourkitchens/fire --dev
  3. Create your fire.yml config file for the project
    fire init
  4. Edit fire.yml and adjust the configuration.
  5. Check if fire is working
    If you have installed the FIRE Launcher:



It should show you all the available FIRE commands.

  1. Edit your project's file and point to our Project Documentation
    If your project has other requirements to run FIRE commands (e.g. does your project also require Node and NVM?), then be sure to also list those in your project's


With FIRE laucher installed:


fire build

Without the FIRE launcher installed:


./vendor/bin/fire build

Available commands:

  • init: Triggers a wizard that help you initialize the fire.yml file.

    alias: i

  • env:start: Starts the local Docker based env (lando, ddev).

    alias: start

  • env:stop: Stops the local Docker based env (lando, ddev).

    alias: stop

  • env:poweroff: Stops the local Docker and the proxy based env (lando, ddev).

    alias: poweroff

  • env:switch: A project can have both environments configured: Lando and DDev, so the "switch" command helps you to "hot swap" between local dev environments (Lando or DDev).

    alias: env-switch|switch|sw

  • local:build: Builds your Drupal Site from the scratch.

    Alias: local-build, build


    --no-db-import: Ignores the database import process (Download & Import).

    --no-db-download: Ignores ONLY the DB download, data will be imported from your existing db backup file.

    -f, --get-files: Gets the Files from the remote server.

  • local:build:drush-commands: Drush Build commands - updb , cr, cim , cr, deploy:hook

    Alias build-drush

  • local:build:js: Builds Project JS Dependencies (Projects Root).

    Alias: build-js

  • local:build:php: Builds Project PHP Dependencies.

    Alias: build-php

  • local:build:theme: Builds Projects theme.

    Alias build-theme

  • local:configure:export: Exports sites configuration - none interaction required.

    Alias: configure-export|configure_export|cex

  • local:configure:import: Imports sites configuration - none interaction required.

    Alias: configure-import|configure_import|cim

  • local:composer: Composer proxy for local envs.

    Alias: c, composer


    `args`: The composer command you would like to execute.

    Usage Example:

    fire composer install
    fire composer install -- --ignore-platform-reqs
    fire composer update drupal/core -- -W
    fire composer require 'drupal/devel:^5.1'
    fire composer require fourkitchens/fire -- --dev
  • local:drush: Drush proxy for local envs.

    Alias: drush


    args: drush you would like to execute.

  • local:get-db: Get the database for local env.

    Alias: get-db|db-get|getdb|dbget|get_db|db_get|local:db:get|local:get:db

  • local:get-files: Downloads the sites files from the remote source (Pantheon, acquia).

    Alias: get-files|files-get|getfiles|filesget|get_files|files_get|pull-files|pull_files|local:file:get|local:get:files


    --no-download: Reuse your existing files copy in the reference folder and placing them in the files folder (Pantheon only).

  • local:import-db: Import database for local envs.

    Alias: import-db|db-import|importdb|dbimport|import_db|db_import

  • local:lint:php: Runs and configure Phpcs for you local env.

    Alias: phpcs

  • local:setup: Setups your project from scratch (lando, ddev), all your data will be destroy and rebuild.

    Alias: setup


    --no-db-import: Ignores the database import process (Download & Import).

    --no-db-download: Ignores ONLY the DB download, data will be imported from your existing db backup file.

    -f, --get-files: Gets the Files from the remote server.

  • xdebug:enable: Configures your local envs Xdebug to work with your prefered Code editor.

    Alias: xd-en

  • vrt:generate-backstop-config: Creates a basic Backstop.json for you.

    Alias: vgc

  • vrt:init: Configure your local enviroment from scratch to use VRT testing.

    Alias: vinit

  • vrt:local-env-config: Alters your local enviroment so you can use backstop.

    Alias: vlec

  • vrt:reference: Takes new reference screeshots from the reference URL.

    Alias: vref

  • vrt:run: Runs your VRT testing.

    Alias: vrun

  • vrt:testing-setup: Setups the Testing and reference sites for VRT testing. Alias: vts

  • command:add: This command allow you to create a custom command in your project.

    Alias: ca, cadd

  • command:overwrite: This command allow you to overwrite the default fire command in your project.

    Alias: co, coverride

    There are two types of overwrite:

    1. Partial: It first runs the original command and then allows you to add new functionality.

    2. Full: It replaces all existing code and allows you to write the command from scratch.

    You can also create a new command, just choice the "Custom" option at the prompt when it ask you for for the command you want to overwrite, then respond to the questions, now a new command should have been created in the custom path, by default only a task is added to cleans the Drupal cache, but from this file, you can add your custom tasks.


Into your project root create a file called: fire.yml and iside of it speficify your global project settings.

If you need to override some of the global settings latter for a specific env you can create fire.local.yml and there override as many variables as you want.

Configuration variables:

  • local_environment : Optional setting, the system will automatically detected your local env, currently available: ddev, lando.

  • local_fe_theme_name: Optional setting, the system will try to automatically get your theme, but you can always specify the theme you require to use.

  • local_theme_build_script: NPM script you are using to build your theme.

  • remote_platform: Your Sites Remote platform. Currently available: pantheon, acquia

  • remote_sitename: Remote plaform Sites machine name.

  • remote_canonical_env: Remote platform canonical env (The env to pull files and database from).


  • Install the FIRE package from the source.
composer require fourkitchens/fire --dev --prefer-install=source

Passing Arguments wrapped commands (i.e drush)

When using Fire to run a wrapped command like Drush, you can indeed pass arguments by using a double hyphen (--). This signals that all subsequent parameters should be treated as arguments for the wrapped command. Here's how you can structure it:

fire drush cex -- -y

Dev backgroud

We are using Robo as Framework to develop this tool.