
Gmail API Wrapper for Symfony

0.4.0 2018-08-01 16:01 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-22 09:14:35 UTC


StyleCI SensioLabsInsight

GmailBundle allows you to manage a Google Apps domain's inboxes (you can pick which). In order to do this, you must authorize a service account with domain wide delegation


    $ composer require fourlabs/gmail-bundle


// app/config/config.yml
    json_key_location: /var/www/symfony/app/config/service_account_private_key.json
    gmail_message_class: \AppBundle\Entity\GmailMessage
    gmail_label_class: \AppBundle\Entity\GmailLabel
    gmail_history_class: \AppBundle\Entity\GmailHistory
    gmail_ids_class: \AppBundle\Entity\GmailIds
    default_mailer: general_mailer
            transport: "%mailer_transport%"
            host:      "%mailer_host%"
            username:  "%mailer_user%"
            password:  "%mailer_password%"
            spool:     { type: memory }
            transport: fl_gmail.swift_transport

Syncing Gmail Ids (i.e. Which emails need to be synced?)


  • Takes a $userId parameter.
  • Gets a list of all the Gmail Ids, or the subset of Gmail Ids according to a history Id. What is a history Id?
  • Dispatches FL\GmailBundle\Event\GmailSyncIdsEvent with a list of all the new / updated ids. (Updated Gmail Ids = change of label)
  • It is your responsibility to save the Gmail Ids coming from this event.
  • Dispatches FL\GmailBundle\Event\GmailSyncHistoryEvent, such that next time, you can perform a Partial Sync. What is a Partial Sync?
  • It is your responsibility to save the History Id coming from this event.

Syncing Messages using Gmail Ids (i.e. I know which emails need to be synced, let's fetch them.)


  • This service, takes a list of gmail ids and resolves all the new/updated messages for you.
  • I.e. use the ids you are fetching from FL\GmailBundle\Services\SyncGmailIds
  • Dispatches FL\GmailBundle\Event\GmailSyncMessagesEvent.
  • It is your responsibility to save the Gmail Messages coming from this event.
  • It is your responsibility to remove the newly synced Gmail Ids, you had previously saved with FL\GmailBundle\Services\SyncGmailIds.

All this responsibility? 😢 😭

Why are there so many It is your responsibility statements? Because this bundle is storage agnostic. But don't fret! There is a GmailDoctrineBundle that implements all of this in Doctrine for you.

How do I dive into this bundle?

  • Start by looking into the Model classes.
  • To understand the services, have a look at Resources/config/services.yml.

What else is going on?

  • You can send swiftmailer emails through FL\GmailBundle\Swift\GmailApiTransport. Simply make sure the from is in your domain.
  • FL\GmailBundle\Form\Type\InboxType contains a choice type, with all the inboxes in the authenticated domain.


GmailBundle is licensed under the MIT license.