
This bundle is a Symfony wrapper for fourlabs/qbjs-parser.

1.0.2 2019-11-29 07:50 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-22 07:42:33 UTC


StyleCI GitHub license

This is a Symfony bundle, which can be used with jQuery QueryBuilder.

  • It will parse JSON coming from the frontend, and let you execute it as a Doctrine ORM query.
  • It will give you JSON to generate the frontend, based on your Doctrine ORM entities and configuration.
  • It is based on QBJSParser, which can be used without Symfony.

It has two useful services:

  • fl_qbjs_parser.json_query_parser.doctrine_orm_parser based on class FL\QBJSParserBundle\Service\JsonQueryParser\DoctrineORMParser
    • This will parse a $jsonString coming from JQuery QueryBuilder, and a $className, into a FL\QBJSParser\Parsed\Doctrine\ParsedRuleGroup.
    • The ParsedRuleGroup has two properties, $dqlString and $parameters, accessible via getters.
    • Use the ParsedRuleGroup properties, to create a Doctrine Query.
    • This service is to be used with DoctrineORM.
    • This service implements JsonQueryParserInterface. More parsers could exist for other ORMs / ODMs.
  • based on class FL\QBJSParserBundle\Service\JavascriptBuilders
    • Use the service's getBuilders(), to fetch an array of FL\QBJSParserBundle\Model\Builder\Builder instances.
    • Each Builder comes with five properties, accessible via getters, $className, $jsonString, $humanReadableName, $builderId, and $resultColumns.
    • Use the properties of a Builder, to instantiate a JQuery Query Builder in your front-end.


  • composer require fourlabs/qbjs-parser-bundle
  • Add the Bundle to app/AppKernel.php

    $bundles = [
        new FL\QBJSParserBundle\FLQBJSParserBundle(),
  • Set up configuration, as detailed below.

Configuration Example

    builders: # these are used for service
            class: AppBundle\Entity\Product # this class must exist in doctrine_class_and_mappings
            human_readable_name: 'Product Report Builder'
            # result_columns
            # Not being used inside the bundle, but you can use them in your own way 
            # Make sure not to use OnetoMany or ManyToMany properties here. That makes no sense!
            # I.e. You can use direct properties of the class, ManyToOne, and OneToOne properties.
                    column_machine_name: id
                    column_human_readable_name: ID
                    column_machine_name: period.startDate
                    column_human_readable_name: Interview Start
                    column_machine_name: period.endDate
                    column_human_readable_name: Interview End
                    id: specification.description
                    label: 'Product Specification: Description'
                    type: string # string, integer, double, date, time, datetime, boolean
                    # omit operators and get sensible defaults
                    # string operators [equal, not_equal, is_null, is_not_null,begins_with, not_begins_with, contains, not_contains, ends_with, not_ends_with, is_empty, is_not_empty]
                    # numeric/date operators [equal, not_equal, is_null, is_not_null, less, less_or_equal, greater, greater_or_equal, between, not_between]
                    # boolean operators [equal, not_equal, is_null, is_not_null]
                    id: price
                    label: 'Product Price'
                    type: double
                    operators: [equal, not_equal, less, less_or_equal, greater, greater_or_equal, between, not_between, is_null, is_not_null]

                    id: availability.startDate
                    label: 'Product Availability - Start Date'
                    type: datetime
    # these are used for service fl_qbjs_parser.json_query_parser.doctrine_orm_parser
    # if another orm is being used, omit this key
        app_entity_product: # this key is for organizational purposes only
            class: AppBundle\Entity\Product # Class Name of a Doctrine Entity
            properties: # required
                # Keys sent by QueryBuilderJS in a jsonString
                # Values should be visible property (public or by getter) in your entity
                # They can also be associations and their properties
                # Leave the value as null (~) to use the same value as the key
                id: ~
                labels.authors.address.line1: ~
                # Indicate the class for each of the associations in properties
                labels: AppBundle\Entity\Label
                labels.authors: AppBundle\Entity\Author
                labels.authors.address: AppBundle\Entity\Address
                author: AppBundle\Entity\Author
            # Now supporting embeddables!
                availability.startDate: ~
                availability.endDate: ~
                labels.availability.startDate: ~
                labels.availability.endDate: ~
                price.amount: ~
                price.currency.code: ~
                labels: AppBundle\Entity\Label
                availability: League\Period\Period
                labels.availability: League\Period\Period
                price: Money\Money
                price.currency: Money\Currency

Usage Example


    namespace App\Controller;
    use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
    use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
    use AppBundle\Entity\Product;

    class ProductController extends Controller
        public function reportsAction(Request $request, string $jsonString)
             $parsedRuleGroup = $this->get('fl_qbjs_parser.json_query_parser.doctrine_orm_parser')->parseJsonString($jsonString, Product::class);
             $query = $this->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager')->createQuery($parsedRuleGroup->getQueryString());
             $results = $query->execute();

    namespace App\Controller;
    use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
    use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;

    class ReportController extends Controller
        public function reportBuilderAction(Request $request)
             $builders = $this->get('')->getBuilders();
             return $this->render('default/index.html.twig', [
                 'builders' => $builders,


The bundle also comes with an event, that allows you to override You can currently override values, the input type, and operators.

Here's an example of the configuration for a listener, for such an event.

        class: AppBundle\EventListener\OverrideBuildersListener
            - { name: kernel.event_listener, event: fl_qbjs_parser.filter_set_event, method: onFilterSet }