
Installs: 1 103

Dependents: 2

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 1

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


v1.0.0 2023-05-21 17:46 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-21 20:49:36 UTC


psalm level psalm type coverage


Supported installation method is via composer:

composer require fp4php/functional-psalm-plugin --dev


To enable the plugin, add the Fp\PsalmPlugin\FunctionalPlugin class to your psalm configuration using psalm-plugin binary as follows:

php vendor/bin/psalm-plugin enable fp4php/functional-psalm-plugin


  • filter

Plugin add type narrowing for filtering.




use Fp\Functional\Option\Option;

* @return Option<int|string>
function getOption(): Option
  // ...

// Narrowed to Option<string>

/** @psalm-trace $result */
$result = getOption()->filter(fn($value) => is_string($value));

Fp\Collections\ArrayList::filter (and other collections with filter method):



use Fp\Collections\ArrayList;

* @return ArrayList<int|string>
function getArrayList(): ArrayList
  // ...

// Narrowed to ArrayList<string>

/** @psalm-trace $result */
$result = getArrayList()->filter(fn($value) => is_string($value));




use TypeError;
use ValueError;
use Fp\Functional\Either\Either;

* @return Either<ValueError, int|string>
function getEither(): Either
  // ...

// Narrowed to Either<TypeError|ValueError, string>
  fn($value) => is_string($value),
  fn() => new TypeError('Is not string'),




use function Fp\Collection\filter;

* @return list<int|string>
function getList(): array
  // ...

// Narrowed to list<string>
filter(getList(), fn($value) => is_string($value));

Fp\Collection\first and Fp\Collection\last:



use function Fp\Collection\first;
use function Fp\Collection\last;

* @return list<int|string>
function getList(): array
  // ...

// Narrowed to Option<string>
first(getList(), fn($value) => is_string($value));

// Narrowed to Option<int>
last(getList(), fn($value) => is_int($value));

For all cases above you can use first-class callable syntax:



use function Fp\Collection\filter;

* @return list<int|string>
function getList(): array
  // ...

// Narrowed to list<string>
filter(getList(), is_string(...));
  • fold

Is too difficult to make the fold function using type system of psalm. Without plugin Fp\Collection\fold and collections fold method has some edge cases. For example: https://psalm.dev/r/b0a99c4912

Plugin can fix that problem.

  • ctor

PHP 8.1 brings feature called first-class callable. But that feature cannot be used for class constructor. Fp\Callable\ctor can simulate this feature for class constructors, but requires plugin for static analysis.


use Tests\Mock\Foo;

use function Fp\Callable\ctor;

// Psalm knows that ctor(Foo::class) is Closure(int, bool, bool): Foo 

* @param Closure(int, bool, bool): Foo $makeFoo
function test(Closure $makeFoo): void
  print_r($makeFoo(42, true, false));
  • sequence

Plugin brings structural type inference for sequence functions:


use Fp\Functional\Option\Option;

use function Fp\Collection\sequenceOption;
use function Fp\Collection\sequenceOptionT;

function getFoo(int $id): Option
  // ...

function getBar(int $id): Option
  // ...

* @return Option<array{foo: Foo, bar: Bar}>
function sequenceOptionShapeExample(int $id): Option
  // Inferred type is: Option<array{foo: Foo, bar: Bar}> not Option<array<'foo'|'bar', Foo|Bar>>
  return sequenceOption([
      'foo' => getFoo($id),
      'bar' => getBar($id),

* @return Option<array{Foo, Bar}>
function sequenceOptionTupleExample(int $id): Option
  // Inferred type is: Option<array{Foo, Bar}> not Option<list<Foo|Bar>>
  return sequenceOptionT(getFoo($id), getBar($id));
  • assertion

Unfortunately @psalm-assert-if-true/@psalm-assert-if-false works incorrectly for Option/Either assertion methods: https://psalm.dev/r/408248f46f

Plugin implements workaround for this bug.

  • N-combinators

Psalm plugin will prevent calling *N combinator in non-valid cases:



use Fp\Functional\Option\Option;
use Tests\Mock\Foo;

* @param Option<array{int, bool}> $maybeData
* @return Option<Foo>
function test(Option $maybeData): Option
   * ERROR: IfThisIsMismatch
   * Object must be type of Option<array{int, bool, bool}>, actual type Option<array{int, bool}>
  return $maybeData->mapN(fn(int $a, bool $b, bool $c) => new Foo($a, $b, $c));
  • proveTrue

Implementation assertion effect for Fp\Evidence\proveTrue (like for builtin assert function):


use Fp\Functional\Option\Option;

function getIntOrString(): int|string
  // ...

Option::do(function() {
  $value = getIntOrString();
  yield proveTrue(is_int($value));

  // here $value narrowed to int from int|string
  • toEither

Inference for Fp\Functional\Separated\Separated::toEither:


use Fp\Collections\HashSet;
use Fp\Collections\ArrayList;
use Fp\Functional\Either\Either;
use Fp\Functional\Separated\Separated;

* @param Separated<ArrayList<int>, ArrayList<string>> $separated
* @return Either<ArrayList<int>, ArrayList<string>>
function separatedArrayListToEither(Separated $separated): Either
  return $separated->toEither();

* @param Separated<HashSet<int>, HashSet<string>> $separated
* @return Either<HashSet<int>, HashSet<string>>
function separatedHashSetToEither(Separated $separated): Either
  return $separated->toEither();
  • partitionT

Plugin infers each list type from predicates of partitionT:



use Tests\Mock\Foo;
use Tests\Mock\Bar;
use Tests\Mock\Baz;

use function Fp\Collection\partitionT;

* @param list<Foo|Bar|Baz> $list
* @return array{list<Foo>, list<Bar>, list<Baz>}
function testExhaustiveInference(array $list): array
  return partitionT($list, fn($i) => $i instanceof Foo, fn($i) => $i instanceof Bar);
  • filterNotNull

Plugin turns all nullable keys to possibly undefined keys:



use function Fp\Collection\filterNotNull;

* @param array{name: string, age: int|null} $shape
* @return array{name: string, age?: int}
function example(array $shape): array
   return filterNotNull($shape);