
Stripe subscription billing services for PhalconPHP

v1.0.0 2015-11-26 22:22 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 20:13:46 UTC


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Biller is a billing service package created for abstraction of Subscriptions, Charges and Customers using Stripe API under PhalconPHP Framework, inspired by Laravel Cashier, so let's rock and roll...


The recommended way to install Biller is through Composer.

Install Composer

curl -sS | php

Next, run the Composer command to install the latest stable version of Biller:

composer.phar require frangeris/biller

Getting Started

This vendor use connection to Mysql database for manage data of stripe. The first step is create those tables (Subscriptions, Customers), we'll use Phalcon database migration for this, using Phalcon Developer Tools.

Run migrations

$ phalcon migration --action=run --migrations=migrations --config=</path/to/config.php>

This simply add two more tables to your current database (will be used by the vendor to keep record of the data in stripe).

Initialize the gateway

The next step is to start with the implementation directly in code, before make any kind of request, we must start \Biller\Gateway, this will allow us make continues request to Stripe API.

Before start the Gateway we need to add the configuration of Biller in the configuration array of the app, with the next structure:

Add biller configuration to config file:

return new \Phalcon\Config([
    'database' => [
        'adapter' => 'Mysql',
        'host' => '',
		// ...
    // ------------- ADD THIS -------------
    'biller' => [
    	'key' => '<YOUR STRIPE KEY>', // the stripe key
    	'custom_id' => 'id', // primary key of your user model, default 'id'
    	'custom_email' => 'email', // email field to use from user model for customers, default 'email'

The fields custom_id and custom_email are the names of properties inside User model that represent such values.

####Start the gateway using Gateway::me():

The Gateway receive as parameter an object \Phalcon\Config so we spend the configuration of the application previously loaded; use method me() for indicate who we are:

 * Read the configuration file
$config = include __DIR__.'/../app/config/config.php';

// Initialize the gateway with the config var

Done this, our app is connected with stripe and we can begin to treat Users as Customers, let's start:

Add a trait to User model:

To give the behavior of a Customer to the User model that we're using, simply add the trait Biller\Behavior\IsCustomer to the User class that extends of \Phalcon\Mvc\Model.

class User extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Model
    use Biller\Behavior\IsCustomer;

    // ...

Now, we can interact with our User as a Customer in stripe.


// Get an user
$user = User::findFirst();

// create a new customer with pro plan using object attributes as metadata in stripe
$customer = $user->toCustomer($this->request->getPost('stripeToken'), 'pro', ['name', 'age', 'phone']);

// get customer stripe object

// start a pro subscription with 14 days of trial

// get date when trial ends

// go pro plan without trial

// change to enterprise plan

// go pro using a coupon

// cancel the current subscription

Others methods to verify status

// verify if the user is subscribed

// verify if the user has cancelled a subscription

// verify if the user subscription is pro plan

// verify if the user is on a trial period


Install dependencies:

composer install


Install dependencies as mentioned above (which will resolve PHPUnit), then you can run the test suite:


Or to run an individual test file:

./vendor/bin/phpunit tests/Biller/GatewayTest.php


Biller is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license