
Phonetic indexing for PHP, uses the standard library for English, Cologne phonetics for German and a custom algorithm for French

1.0.2-stable 2020-08-30 21:07 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 17:25:59 UTC


Build Status


We try to provide different languages phonetic indexing methods.


composer require frantzmiccoli/phphoneticindexing


use PhPhoneticIndexing\GetPhoneticIndex;

$getPhoneticIndex = new GetPhoneticIndex();

var_dump($getPhoneticIndex->getPhoneticIndex('carabine', 'fr')); // karabyn

Please note that if you wish to support new languages, those can be added using $getPhoneticIndex->addLanguage().

French implementation

Root class Pattern Replacement Example
z [aeiouy]s[aeiouy] z hasard
3 è 3 très
3 é 3 était
3 ai 3 était
3 e[rtx]$ 3 est rentrer /
3 ^est$ 3 est rentrer /
3 e[rt] following letter kept 3 errance /
3 es[^$] following letter kep 3 brest /
3 ez$ 3 est rentrer /
o o o orange
o au o aubagne
a a a abracadra
a oi[e] a oie
b b b abolition
b p b problème
1 [iu][nm]([^mnaeiouy123]) 1 obtint emprunt
1 ement 1 lentement
- ent$ - vouent
1 en 1 enfant
1 em 1 emprunter
1 an 1 enfant
f f f fenêtre
f ph f sophisme
f v v savourer
e e[^$] e fenêtre
e eu e eux
e o?eu? e oeuvre oedême
2 o[nm][^nmaeiouy123] 2 attention ombre
j j j juger
j g[ei] j juger gironde
j ch j chercher
j sh j sherpa
y ill i briller
y i i cession
y y i cession
s s s sérieux
s c[ei] s cession
s ç s ça
k g[^ei] k gué gardien
k k k karaté
k c k caramel
k qu k que
u ou u oublie
u u u ubuesque
- [depqrstwxz]$ - camp
- e$ - oedême aiment
- h - habituer
  1. Remove numbers and work in lower case.
  2. Proceed with substitution in the given order.
  3. Remove duplicates
  4. Remove -
  5. If wished remove aeiouy123

Side note

Part of this was developed during a live programming session. Unfortunately the quality is awful, but the links are here: