
Composer plugin for installing of assets.

Fund package maintenance!

Installs: 29 901

Dependents: 5

Suggesters: 2

Security: 0

Stars: 25

Watchers: 3

Forks: 5

Open Issues: 3


v0.11.1 2021-06-02 08:40 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-10 21:53:17 UTC


Composer plugin for installing assets.



Use Composer:

composer require frontpack/composer-assets-plugin

Library requires PHP 5.6.0 or later.


  • composer refresh-assets - refresh files in assets directory

Assets configuration


  • assets-files in section extra
    • true - symlinks whole package directory
    • file path - symlinks one file or content of directory
    • list of file paths - symlinks files/directories


	"extra": {
		"assets-files": [
  • static/plugin.js - symlinks file to assets/org/package/plugin.js
  • static/plugin.css - symlinks file to assets/org/package/plugin.css
  • static/icons.png - symlinks file to assets/org/package/icons.png

Or you can use simple:

	"extra": {
		"assets-files": "static"

with same result.

Root package

  • assets-dir - directory for installing of assets, default assets, relative to vendor-dir
  • assets-directory - alias for assets-dir
  • assets-files - list of asset files in incompatible packages, it overrides assets-files from installed packages
  • assets-strategy - install strategy for assets
    • auto - select strategy by platform (default value)
    • copy - copy all assets, default strategy on Windows
    • symlink - create relative symlinks, default strategy on non-Windows platforms
  • assets-target - target directory for specific packages, relative to vendor-dir, must be out of assets-dir


	"extra": {
		"assets-dir": "public",
		"assets-files": {
			"org/package": true,
			"org/package2": "js/calendar.js",
			"org/package3": [
		"assets-target": {
			"ckeditor/ckeditor": "admin/wysiwyg"
  • org/package - symlinks whole package directory to public/org/package
  • org/package2 - symlinks file js/calendar.js to public/org/package2/calendar.js
  • org/package3
    • static/plugin.js - symlinks file to public/org/package3/plugin.js
    • static/plugin.css - symlinks file to public/org/package3/plugin.css
    • static/icons.png - symlinks file to public/org/package3/icons.png
  • ckeditor/ckeditor - symlinks files to admin/wysiwyg

Default mapping

Plugin provides default mapping for selected incompatible packages. You can override this mapping in your composer.json.

List of packages with default mapping:

  • bower-asset/tiny-slider
  • ckeditor/ckeditor
  • components/jquery
  • enyo/dropzone
  • nette/forms
  • o5/grido

Where find supported packages?

Some libraries and packages support Composer by default. For other exists shim-repositories:

Always you can search packages on Packagist.

License: New BSD License
Author: Jan Pecha,