
The testing microframework for PHP 5.3+, partially inspired by QUnit.

0.6.0 2014-03-08 02:25 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-12 15:33:37 UTC


FUnit is a testing microframework for PHP 5.3+, partially inspired by QUnit. FUnit was created by Ed Finkler for Fictive Kin.

If you can code PHP, you can write tests with FUnit.


  • Simple to write tests and get output – start writing tests fast
  • Short, straightforward syntax
  • Can be run from the CLI – no web server required
  • Fancy colored output in terminal


require __DIR__ . '/FUnit.php';
use \FUnit as fu;  // note the alias to "fu" for terseness

fu::test("this is a test", function() {
	fu::ok(1, "the integer '1' is okay");
	fu::ok(0, "the integer '0' is not okay"); // this will fail!

$exit_code = fu::run();

Will output:

> php example_standalone.php
Running test 'this is a test...'
TEST: this is a test (1/2):
 * PASS ok() the integer '1' is okay
 * FAIL ok() the integer '0' is not okay

TOTAL ASSERTIONS: 1 pass, 1 fail, 0 expected fail, 2 total
TESTS: 1 run, 0 pass, 1 total

See the example_standalone.php file for more, or try running it with php example_standalone.php

Alternately, if you load standalone_example.php in a web browser, it will output a very simple HTML version of the text report. If you're running PHP 5.4 or above, you can use the dev server to view it like so:

php -S example_standalone.php

And then open in a web browser.


Test Suite Building Methods

  • FUnit::test($name, \Closure $test)
    Add a test with the name $name and an anonymous function $test. $test would contain various assertions, like FUnit::ok()

  • FUnit::run($report = true, $filter = null, $report_format = 'text')
    Runs the registered tests.

    • $report (boolean): If false is passed, the report output is suppressed.
    • $filter (string): If this is passed, only tests that contain the $filter string will be run.
    • $report_format (string): Default is 'text'. Also accepts 'xunit'.
  • FUnit::setup(\Closure $setup)
    Register a function to run at the start of each test. See FUnit::fixture()

  • FUnit::teardown(\Closure $setup)
    Register a function to run at the end of each test. See FUnit::fixture() and FUnit::reset_fixtures()

  • FUnit::fixture($key, [$val])
    Retrieve or register a fixture. Use this in FUnit::setup() to assign fixtures to keys, and retrieve those fixtures in your tests

  • FUnit::reset_fixtures()
    Clears out all fixtures in the FUnit::$fixtures array. This doesn't guarantee clean shutdown/close


  • FUnit::ok($a, $msg = null)
    Assert that $a is truthy. Optional $msg describes the test

  • FUnit::not_ok($a, $msg = null)
    Assert that $a is not truthy. Optional $msg describes the test

  • FUnit::equal($a, $b, $msg = null)
    Assert that $a == $b. Optional $msg describes the test

  • FUnit::not_equal($a, $b, $msg = null)
    Assert that $a != $b. Optional $msg describes the test

  • FUnit::strict_equal($a, $b, $msg = null)
    Assert that $a === $b. Optional $msg describes the test

  • FUnit::not_strict_equal($a, $b, $msg = null)
    Assert that $a !== $b. Optional $msg describes the test

  • FUnit::has($needle, $haystack, $msg = null)
    Assert that an array or object ($haystack) has a key or property ($needle)

  • FUnit::not_has($needle, $haystack, $msg = null)
    Assert that an array or object ($haystack) does not have a key or property ($needle). Forgive my grammar.

  • FUnit::fail($msg = null, [$expected = null])
    Force a failed assertion. If $expected === true, it's marked as an expected failure

  • FUnit::expect_fail($msg = null)
    Assets an expected failure. Equivalent to FUnit::fail('msg', true)

  • FUnit::pass($msg = null)
    Force a successful assertion.

  • FUnit::throws($callback, $params, $exception = null, $msg = null)
    Assert that $callback throws an exception of type $exception. $callback must be a callable

  • FUnit::all_ok($a, $callback, $msg = null)
    Iterate over all the items in $a and pass each to $callback. If the callback returns true for all, it passes -- otherwise it fails. $callback must be a callable

Utility Methods

  • FUnit::report($format = 'text')
    Output the test report. If you've suppressed reporting output previously, you can use this to output the report manually.

  • FUnit::exit_code()
    Retrieve the exit code. If any test fails, the exit code will be set to 1. Otherwise 0. You can use this value to return a success or failure result with the PHP function exit().

Configuration Methods

  • FUnit::set_disable_reporting($state)
    If passed true, report will not be output after test runs finish. Re-enable by passing false.

  • FUnit::set_debug($state)
    If passed true, extra debugging info (including timing and details about assertion failures) will be output. Disable by passing false.

  • FUnit::set_silence($state)
    If passed true, only the report will be output -- no progress, debugging info, etc. Disable by passing false.

Report formats

By default, FUnit outputs a colorful text output, formatted for the terminal. You can also output reports in xunit-style xml.

The report format is the third parameter of FUnit::run():


// Outputs a colored text report. This is the default format.
FUnit::run(true, null, 'text');

// Outputs xUnit-style xml
FUnit::run(true, null, 'xunit');

Browser output

The standard text report format will output as very simple HTML if the test file is loaded up through a web server. You can test this with the dev server if you're running PHP 5.4+:

php -S test_file.php

And then open in a web browser.

CLI Test Runner Utility

FUnit was designed to not require a separate test runner tool, but it does come with one at bin/fu (or vendor/bin/fu if you've installed via Composer). fu allows you to run tests in a single file, a group of files in a directory, and filter what tests are run.


  • fu --help
    Get detailed help and information on all options

  • fu ./tests
    Scan the directory ./tests for files that have "test(s)" in their names, and run those tests

  • fu tests.php
    Execute tests in tests.php

  • fu -d tests.php
    Execute tests in tests.php with additional debugging info

  • fu --filter="API" tests.php
    Execute only the tests in tests.php that have "API" in the name

  • fu -s tests.php
    Execute the tests tests.php, but suppress all output other than the report

Note: When fu loads multiple test files, it requires each one. That means all the code within each is executed. Calls to FUnit::run() are suppressed, but non-FUnit code (like exit() calls or require statements) could cause issues.


Install with Composer

If you're using Composer to manage dependencies, you can add FUnit with it.

	"require": {
		"funkatron/funit": "dev-master"

Note that FUnit has not yet reached 1.0! That means BC may break!

If you install via Composer, you can use the auto-generated autoloader to load FUnit, like so:

require "vendor/autoload.php"
use \FUnit as fu;

fu::test("this is a test", function() {
    fu::ok(1, "the integer '1' is okay");
    fu::ok(0, "the integer '0' is not okay"); // this will fail!


Install source from GitHub

To install the source code:

git clone git://

And include it in your scripts:

require_once '/path/to/FUnit/FUnit.php';

Install source from zip/tarball

Alternatively, you can fetch a tarball or zipball:

$ curl | tar xzv
$ wget -O - | tar xzv

Using a Class Loader

If you're using a class loader (e.g., Symfony Class Loader) for PSR-0-style class loading:

$loader->registerNamespace('FUnit', 'path/to/vendor/FUnit');


If you're using a version older than 0.5, the namespace/class name changed to follow PSR-0 autoloader standards. The base class is now \FUnit, not \FUnit\fu. You can still call all your methods with fu::XXX() by aliasing the namespace like so:

use \FUnit as fu