
Symfony bundle for asynchronous e-mails with attachments through Symfony Messenger.

Installs: 19 561

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 6

Watchers: 8

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 1


2.3.0 2024-08-21 06:50 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-16 12:39:40 UTC


License Latest Version Total Downloads php 8.2+


You might need to bundle if your project fulfills the following criteria:

  • You are using Symfony Mailer with Symfony Messenger.
  • Your message queue containing the Mailer messages is running asynchronously.
  • Your email contains attachments.

This bundle solves the following problems that can occur:

  • If you use Symfony\Component\Mime\Email::attach the message will contain the entire file. Using blob data inside the message transport is not recommended and can lead to problems.
  • If you use Symfony\Component\Mime\Email::attachFromPath, the path might not exist at the moment of handling the message (depending on your implementation). An example is when you are generating a temporary file (such as a PDF) and want to attach it to the e-mail. If this is a temporary file it might get deleted before the message is handled.


Use composer to install the bundle from packagist.

composer require fusonic/messenger-mailer-bundle


  • PHP 8.2+
  • Symfony 6.2+

In case Symfony did not add the bundle to the bundle configuration, add the following (by default located in config/bundles.php):


return [
    // ...
    Fusonic\MessengerMailerBundle\MessengerMailerBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Configuration (optional)

The only thing you are required to configure is the provided middleware on your message bus that handles the SendEmailMessage event.

# Your messenger configuration
    # ...
        # ...
            default: # or your own bus that handled the SendEmailMessage event
                - Fusonic\MessengerMailerBundle\Middleware\AttachmentEmailMiddleware

# Bundle default configuration
    # Use the included filesystem implementation or implement your own service
    # by implementing the `Fusonic\MessengerMailerBundle\Contracts\EmailAttachmentHandlerInterface` interface.
    attachment_handler: Fusonic\MessengerMailerBundle\EmailAttachmentHandler\FilesystemAttachmentHandler

    # Configure the services used as the `attachment_handler` above. This service is configured by default.
            $attachmentsDirectory: "%kernel.project_dir%/var/email-attachments"

If you want to use a different service for attachment handling, you can create your own and overwrite the default in your service configuration. You can for example create a handler that would save the attachments with an abstract filesystem (e.g.: thephpleague/flysystem).


This bundle provides two classes for creating e-mails AttachmentEmail (extension of the Symfony Email class) and TemplatedAttachmentEmail (extension of the Symfony TemplatedEmail class).

Instead of using attach, attachFromPath and addPart you should use addPersistedPart. This will persist the content depending on the FilesystemAttachmentHandler. This way the email can be safely handled asynchronously.

$email = (new TemplatedAttachmentEmail())
    ->addPersistedPart(new DataPart('Email text', 'filename.txt', 'plain/text'))
    // ...


This is a subtree split of fusonic/php-extensions repository. Please create your pull requests there.