
Fwk Core System

v1.0.1 2016-06-03 12:32 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-12 14:14:08 UTC


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Core is a zero-configuration application framework that makes developers happy :)


Via Composer:

    "require": {
        "fwk/core": "dev-master",

If you don't use Composer, you can still download this repository and add it to your include_path PSR-0 compatible


Core can be used diffently depending on your application needs and how you plan to maintain and make it evolves in time. There is no directory-structure dependencies nor "recommended pattern". Knowing how to configure PHP 5.3+ on your environment is the only prerequisite.

A Request to an Application calls an Action (Controller) which sometimes uses Services (Model) to return a Result (View). Fwk\Core let you use any type of Action thanks to ActionProxies. An object containing the Request (and the Response) is shared during the runtime, it is the Context. The runtime creates Events emitted by the Application that can be used by Listeners to extends its behavior.

Included ActionProxies are:

  • CallableActionProxy(callable): calls callable
  • ControllerActionProxy(className,methodName): instanciate className and calls methodName
  • IncludeActionProxy(file.php): includes file.php
  • ServiceActionProxy(serviceName): executes the Service registered as serviceName
  • ServiceControllerActionProxy(serviceName, methodName): executes methodName on the Service registered as serviceName

Its suggested to use Fwk\Core\Action\ProxyFactory as a shortcut to the corresponding Fwk\Core\ActionProxy, like:

$app->register('Hello', ProxyFactory::factory(function() { /* ... */ })); // CallableActionProxy
$app->register('Hello', ProxyFactory::factory('+file.php')); // IncludeActionProxy
$app->register('Hello', ProxyFactory::factory('HelloWorld\\HelloController:show')); // ControllerActionProxy
$app->register('Hello', ProxyFactory::factory('@service')); // ServiceActionProxy
$app->register('Hello', ProxyFactory::factory('@service:method')); // ServiceControllerActionProxy

Hello World Application

This is probably the simplest example:

namespace HelloWorld;

// we're index.php in the 'public' http folder (the doc_root)
require __DIR__ .'/../vendor/autoload.php';

$app = new \Fwk\Core\Application('helloWorld');

// the easy way
$app['Hello'] = function($name = null) {
    return 'Hello '. (!empty($name) ? $name : 'World');

// the above is a shortcut to this:
    new \Fwk\Core\Action\CallableActionProxy(
        function($name = null) {
            return 'Hello '. (!empty($name) ? $name : 'World');

// The  is needed to respond to / (or index.php)

// execute
$response = $app->run();
if ($response instanceof \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response) {
} else {
    echo $response;

That's it! Now open your browser to http://localhost/wherever/index.php or http://localhost/wherever/index.php?name=John+Doe !

More documentation on its way...

Contributions / Community


Fwk is licensed under the 3-clauses BSD license. Please read CREDITS and LICENSE for full details.