
Nexmore is Nexmo RESTful API wrapper.

0.1.0 2014-04-16 20:56 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-22 01:54:04 UTC


Build Status Coverage Status

Nexmo offers high volume SMS and Voice APIs via REST and SMPP. Nexmore is Nexmo RESTful API wrapper.


Set Nexmo API credentials:

 * @param string $key Nexmo account API key.
 * @param string $secret Nexmo account secret key for signing the API requests.
 * @param string $api_url
$messenger = new \Gajus\Nexmore\Messenger($key, $secret);

Send SMS message

 * A long SMS is split into chunks of 153 chars (in Unicode content messages 67).
 * @see
 * @see
 * @param string $from
 * @param string $to
 * @param string $text
 * @param array $parameters
$messenger->sms(string $from, string $to, string $text[, array $parameters]);

sms method will throw an InvalidArgumentException if either of the parameters is unknonw, missing or do not conform to the format requirements.

If at least one message is not delivered \gajus\nexmore\Error_Exception exception will be thrown.

try {
    $messenger->sms('Gajus', '447776413499', 'test');
} catch (\Gajus\Nexmore\Exception\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
    // [..]
} catch (\Gajus\Nexmore\Exception\ErrorException $e) {
    // [..]
} catch (\Gajus\Nexmore\Exception\NexmoreException $e) {
    // [..]
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    // [..]

TTS (Text to Speech)

Identical to the sms method, except that TTS service does not accept the sender ID (from parameter).

 * @see
 * @param string $to
 * @param string $text
 * @param array $parameters
$messenger->tts(string $to, string $text[, array $parameters]);

Inbound Events

Nexmo issues two types of callbacks:

Read the relavent sections of the documentation to learn how to setup the callback URL.

To catch either of these events, use \gajus\nexmore\Listener class.

 * Listens to Nexmo Delivery Receipt. All knonw receipt $_GET parameters are mapped to
 * a $receipt property. Parameter names are canonicalized.
 * @param string $key
 * @param string $secret
 * @param boolean $debug Debug allows indbound traffic to come from outside of the safe subnet.
$listener = new \Gajus\Nexmore\Listener();

$delivery_receipt = $listener->getDeliveryReceipt();
$inbound_message = $listener->getInboundMessage();

if ($delivery_receipt) {

if ($inbound_message) {

Beware that Nexmore normalises parametr names and converts whatever time input to UNIX timestamp. To understand the re-mapping implementation, refer to the Listener class source code.

Delivery Receipt

array(10) {
    string(11) "12150000025"
    string(11) "66837000111"
    string(5) "52099"
    string(16) "000000FFFB0356D2"
    string(9) "delivered"
    string(1) "0"
    string(10) "0.02000000"
    int(1344779940) <== 2012-08-12 13:59:00
    int(1344779977) <== 2012-08-12 13:59:37

Inbound message

array(7) {
    string(4) "text"
    string(11) "12108054321"
    string(11) "19150000001"
    string(16) "000000FFFB0356D1"
    string(26) "This is an inbound message"

To do

  • Either to allow direct API calls or create interface for Account features.


If you don't like Nexmore implementation, please raise an issue.

The following are the known alternatives:

If you know more alternatives, please tell me and I will include them in the above list.