
1.0.8 2018-01-10 17:35 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-23 07:08:00 UTC





The module describe the following element from hiboutik

  • Attribute => Done
  • Brand => Done
  • Category => Done
  • Customer => Done
  • CustomerList => Done
  • Event => Done
  • InventoryInput => Done
  • Item => Done
  • NumberOfCustomer => Done
  • PaymentType => Done
  • Product => Done
  • Sale => Done
  • Size => Done
  • SizeType => Done
  • Store => Done
  • Supplier => Done
  • Tag => Done
  • Tax => Done

Store Services

  • GET Store by ID => Done
  • LIST Stores => Done

Products Services

  • LIST Products => Done

Sizes Services

  • GET All sizes by size type

  • LIST Brands

  • Create a Brand

  • UPDATE a Brand

  • LIST Calendar Events by Store ID and Date

  • CREATE an Event on a calendar

  • DELETE an Event on a calendar

  • LIST Categories

  • CREATE a Category

  • UPDATE a Category

  • LIST Products by Category ID

  • LIST Customer

  • CREATE a Customer

  • LIST Customer List

  • GET a Customer List by List ID

  • CREATE count of Customer for a Shop

  • LIST Customer Addresses

  • GET Customer details

  • LIST Products sold by Customer ID

  • UPDATE a Customer Attribute

  • LIST Customers Tags

  • LIST Tags by Customer ID

  • ADD Tags for a Customer By Customer ID

  • DELETE Tags for by Customer ID and Tag ID

  • LIST Customer by Parameters

  • CREATE Inventory Count

  • LIST Inventory Inputs

  • CREATE an Inventory Input

  • GET Inventory Input Details by ID

  • ADD Product to an Inventory Input

  • LIST Payment Types by Store ID

  • LIST Payment due date by Store ID

  • LIST Products with Pagination

  • CREATE a Product

  • UPDATE a Product

  • LIST Products sold by Store ID and Date

  • UPDATE a Product Attribute

  • GET Product detail by ID

  • SEARCH Products by string

  • SEARCH Products by Category ID

  • SEARCH Products by Tax ID

  • SEARCH Products by Tag ID

  • LIST Products Tags

  • ADD Tag to a Product

  • Delete Tag from a Product by Tag ID

  • LIST Stock available for a Product by Product ID

  • LIST Stock Transfer

  • GET Stock Transfer detail by Transfer ID

  • ADD Product to a Transfer by Transfer ID

  • DELETE a Stock Transfer Detail by ID

  • LIST Product sold by Store ID and Date

  • ADD Comment to a Sale

  • CREATE a Sale

  • CREATE a Product to a Sale

  • GET Detail for a Sale

  • LIST Closed sales by Store ID and Date

  • UPDATE Date Z for a Sale by Sale ID

  • SEARCH Customers by Parameters

  • LIST Size by Size Type ID

  • LIST Size Type

  • LIST Stock available for Warehouse ID by Warehouse ID

  • LIST Stock available for Product by Product ID

  • LIST Inventory Inputs for a Warehouse by Warehouse ID

  • LIST Stock Transfer

  • CREATE a Stock Transfer

  • GET Stock Transfer Detail by Transfer ID

  • ADD Product to a Stock Transfer Detail by Transfer ID

  • DELETE a Stock Transfer Detail by ID

  • LIST Suppliers

  • CREATE a Supplier

  • UPDATE a Supplier

  • DELETE a Supplier by ID

  • LIST Tags for Customers

  • GET Customers Tags by Customer ID

  • ADD a Tag to a Customer by Customer ID

  • DELETE Customer Tag by Tag ID and Customer ID

  • LIST Tags for Products

  • LIST Tags By Product ID

  • ADD a Tag for a Product

  • DELETE Tag for a Product

  • LIST Products by Tax ID

  • LIST Taxes

  • CREATE a Time Tracking Check IN for a Card

  • CREATE a Time Tracking Check OUT for a Card

  • LIST Users

  • UPDATE User Password

  • LIST Stock Available by Warehouse ID

  • LIST Inventory Inputs by Warehouse ID

  • LIST Warehouses

  • LIST Payment Types By Store ID and Date

  • LIST Taxes By Store ID and Date

  • LIST Categories By Store ID and Date

  • LIST Accounting Accounts By Store ID and Date

  • UPDATE Date_z by Sale ID

  • GET /stores

  • GET /stores/{id}

  • GET /products

  • GET /products/{id}

The following access point are still TODO:

  • GET /categories
  • POST /categories
  • PUT /categories
  • GET /products/search/category/{category_id}
  • GET /customers/