
Helps you get your blocks on the road

v1.7.0 2025-03-12 20:48 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-12 20:48:46 UTC


Helps you get your blocks on the road

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Helps you with registering and rendering your custom Gutenberg blocks and acts as a common interface for libraries providing additional blocks.


via composer:

> composer require gebruederheitz/wp-gutenberg-blocks

Make sure you have Composer autoload or an alternative class loader present.


Initializing the block registrar

Initialize the registrar singleton (usually in your functions.php):


use Gebruederheitz\GutenbergBlocks\BlockRegistrar;


You may pass an alternative handle and path of your editor script to the constructor:


use Gebruederheitz\GutenbergBlocks\BlockRegistrar;


The script handle defaults to ghwp-gutenberg-blocks, the script path to /js/backend.js. The script path is relative to the theme root (get_template_directory_uri()).

Setting allowed blocks

There are three ways of setting the blocks shown to the user in the editor. If you want to skip all that and simply allow all block types, pass true as the first parameter to the registrar's constructor:


Dynamically through an array

You can also provide a list of allowed blocks via an array (it defaults to an empty array, initially allowing no blocks whatsoever):

    ['core/columns', 'core/column', 'core/paragraph']

Using a configuration file

Alternatively, you may use a YAML configuration file:

# wp-content/themes/my-theme/config/example.yaml
  - core/columns
  - core/column
  - core/paragraph

The value needs to be an array of strings and on the top level under the key gutenbergAllowedBlocks. You can then pass the file's path (relative to the themes root as returned by get_theme_root() or as an absolute filesystem path) to the registrar's constructor as a string:


Even more dynamically through the filter hook

The third option is to use the filter hook to add allowed blocks (this is what the DynamicBlock class uses to automatically set up its availability). The filter hook will always be called, even if you provide a custom list through one of the methods above:

use Gebruederheitz\GutenbergBlocks\BlockRegistrar;

function allowCustomBlock(array $allowedBlocks): array {
    $allowedBlocks[] = 'my/block';
    return $allowedBlocks;

add_filter(BlockRegistrar::HOOK_ALLOWED_BLOCKS, 'allowCustomBlock');

The parameter $allowedBlocks will contain any blocks already allowed through any of the other methods.

Registering a dynamic block

This all assumes you have defined the editor component, attributes etc. in your editor script and registered the block there using wp.blocks.registerBlockType(). Your save component returns null – and this is where you want to register a dynamic block that is rendered by PHP.

It is possible to allow a theme to override your default template partial for the block (even if your default partial file is outside the theme source directory) through the fifth parameter.

# functions.php or your block component library (or anywhere, really, but called on every request)
use Gebruederheitz\GutenbergBlocks\DynamicBlock;
use Gebruederheitz\GutenbergBlocks\BlockRegistrar;


$myblock = new DynamicBlock(
    // Required: Block name needs to match the name the block was registered with in JS
    // Required: Absolute path to the template partial rendering the block
    dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/my-block.php', 
    // List of block attributes with type and default value.
    // You don't need to provide all attributes, only those that should receive
    // default values. Defaults to [].
        'attributeName' => [
            'type' => 'string',
            'default' => 'default value',
    // List of required attributes. If any of these are not set, the block will 
    // not be rendered. Make sure not to provide a default value for these
    // attributes! Defaults to [].
    // A path to allow a (child) theme to override the default template used for
    // rendering the block (as provided by the second parameter). This allows a 
    // theme to render modified markup or different classnames for the same
    // block. The path needs to be relative to the theme's root, as you would 
    // use it in get_template_part(). Defaults to null (theme can not override
    // the default template partial).

// Set up the hook listeners to automagically register & render the block

As an alternative you can use the factory method to create a Dynamic Block:

DynamicBlock::make('ghwp/example', get_template_directory() . '/template-parts/blocks/example.php')

Available Hooks

Class constant hook handle type description
BlockRegistrar:: HOOK_REGISTER_DYNAMIC_BLOCKS ghwp-register-dynamic-blocks filter Extend the provided array with an instance of DynamicBlock to automagically register that block. DynamicBlock does this for you when you call register().
BlockRegistrar:: HOOK_ALLOWED_BLOCKS ghwp-allowed-gutenberg-blocks filter A proxy for WP's own allowed_block_types.
BlockRegistrar:: HOOK_SCRIPT_LOCALIZATION_DATA ghwp-script-localization-data filter Add items that your block requires to the localization data for the editor script.

