
This Bundle assists in imagine manipulation using the imagine library

dev-master 2013-02-26 14:13 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-24 14:12:44 UTC


Symfony2 Bundle to assist in imagine manipulation using the imagine library (Fork of LiipImagineBundle)

This bundle is a fork of LiipImagineBundle which provides easy image manipulation support for Symfony2. The goal of the fork is to make the code more performance processing.

For example with this bundle the following is possible:

<img src="{{ '/relative/path/to/image.jpg' | imagine_filter('thumbnail') }}" />

This will perform the transformation called thumbnail, which you can define to do a number of different things, such as resizing, cropping, drawing, masking, etc.

This bundle integrates the standalone PHP "Imagine library".


Download GTImagineBundle using composer

Add GTImagineBundle in your composer.json:

    "require": {
        "gerardtoko/imagine-bundle": "dev-master"

Now tell composer to download the bundle by running the command:

$ php composer.phar update gerardtoko/imagine-bundle

Composer will install the bundle to your project's vendor/gerardtoko/imagine-bundle directory.

Register the bundle

You must register the bundle in your kernel:

    // app/AppKernel.php    
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(    
            // ...    
             new GT\ImagineBundle\GTImagineBundle(),
        // ...


Example of configuration yml file:

    web_root:   %kernel.root_dir%/../web
    web_media:  %kernel.root_dir%/../web/medias

    driver:     gd
    mkdir_mode: 0777
    formats:    [jpg, png]
    web_root:   %web_root%
    data_root:  %web_media%/thumbnails
            directory:  %web_media%/images/cover
            quality:    75
                thumbnail:  { size: [140, 200], mode: outbound }
                crop:       { start: [0, 0], size: [140, 200] }
            directory:  %web_media%/images/profile
            quality:    75
                thumbnail:  { size: [50, 50], mode: outbound }
                crop:       { start: [0, 0], size: [50, 50] }

Basic Usage

This bundle works by configuring a set of filters and then applying those filters to images inside a template So, start by creating some sort of filter that you need to apply somewhere in your application. For example, suppose you want to thumbnail an image to a size of 120x90 pixels:

# app/config/config.yml
            directory:  %web_media%/images
                thumbnail:  { size: [120, 90], mode: outbound }

You've now defined a filter set called my_thumb that performs a thumbnail transformation. We'll learn more about available transformations later, but for now, this new filter can be used immediately in a template:

<img src="{{ '/relative/path/to/image.jpg' | imagine_filter('my_thumb') }}" />

Or if you're using PHP templates:

<img src="<?php $this['imagine']->filter('/relative/path/to/image.jpg', 'my_thumb') ?>" />

Behind the scenes, the bundles applies the filter(s) to the image on the first request and then caches the image to a similar path. On the next request, the cached image would be served directly from the file system.

In this example, the final rendered path would be something like /media/my_thumb/relative/path/to/image.jpg. This is where Imagine would save the filtered image file.


The GTImagineBundle provides a set of built-in filters.

There are several configuration options available:

  • data_root - can be set to the absolute path to your original image's directory. This option allows you to store the original image in a different location from the web root. Under this root the images will be looked for in the same relative path specified in the apply_filter template filter.

    default: %kernel.root_dir%/../web/thumbnails

  • web_root - must be the absolute path to you application's web root. This is used to determine where to put generated image files, so that apache will pick them up before handing the request to Symfony2 next time they are requested.

    default: %kernel.root_dir%/../web

  • driver - one of the three drivers: gd, imagick, gmagick

    default: gd

  • filters - specify the filters that you want to define and use

Each filter that you specify have the following options:

  • options - options that should be passed to the specific filter type

Built-in Filters

Currently, this bundles comes with just one built-in filter: thumbnail.


The thumbnail filter, as the name implies, performs a thumbnail transformation on your image. The configuration looks like this:

        thumbnail: { size: [120, 90], mode: outbound }

The mode can be either outbound or inset.


The resize filter may be used to simply change the width and height of an image irrespective of its proportions.

Consider the following configuration example, which defines two filters to alter an image to an exact screen resolution:

            resize: { size: [320, 200] }
            resize: { size: [1920, 1200] }


The relative_resize filter may be used to heighten, widen, increase or scale an image with respect to its existing dimensions. These options directly correspond to methods on Imagine's BoxInterface.

Given an input image sized 50x40 (width, height), consider the following annotated configuration examples:

            relative_resize: { heighten: 60 } # Transforms 50x40 to 75x60
            relative_resize: { widen: 32 }    # Transforms 50x40 to 40x32
            relative_resize: { increase: 10 } # Transforms 50x40 to 60x50
            relative_resize: { scale: 2.5 }   # Transforms 50x40 to 125x100

If you prefer using Imagine without a filter configuration, the RelativeResize class may be used directly.

Using GTImagineBundle in a controller

If you need to use the filters in a controller, you can just load gt_imagine service

class MyController extends Controller
    public function indexAction()
        $imagine = $container->get('gt_imagine');
        $srcPath = $imagine->filter("image.jpg", "my_thumb");
        //filter All
        // ..

Using the commands

If you need to use the filters in the console, you can just execute

  gt:imagine:dump:all                      Apply a filter on all images
  gt:imagine:dump:filter                   Apply a filter on images group
  gt:imagine:dump:image                    Apply a filter on an image
  gt:imagine:remove:all                    remove all images filtered
  gt:imagine:remove:filter                 remove a images group filtered
  gt:imagine:remove:image                  remove an image filtered