
Higher-order functional predicates.

1.1.0 2016-01-15 19:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-26 14:17:01 UTC


travis-ci status license release

Higher order predicates library.


An "higher order function" is a function that either returns a function or takes a function as argument.

A "functional predicate" is a function that receives one or more arguments (subject) and returns true or false.

This library is a collections of functions that return functional predicates.


In PHP there are some functions like array_map, array_filter, and so on, that take a functional predicate as argument.

For example:

$data = [

$strings = array_filter($data, 'is_string'); // ['foo', 'bar', '']

This can be done thanks to the fact that a is_string is a named function.

But if we need something more complex, e.g. we also want to strip empty strings, we need to:

$strings = array_filter($data, function($item) {
    return is_string($item) && $item !== '';

One of the functions of this library is isType() that accepts a string representing a type and returns a predicate that can be used to check subjects against that typoe.

Another of the functions of this library is isNotEmpty() that returns a predicate that verifies non-empty values.

Another function is combine() that takes an arbitrary number of predicates and returns a predicate that returns true when all the combined predicates return true.

Using these 3 functions the code above can be written like this:

use Pentothal as P;

$strings = array_filter($data, P\combine(P\isType('string'), P\isNotEmpty()));

All the functions in this library are in Pentothal namespace.


Served by Composer using gmazzap/pentothal.

List of functions

Here a list of all the functions currently provided by library (namespace omitted):


  • always() Return a predicate that always return true
  • never() Return a predicate that always return false
  • isEmpty()
  • isNotEmpty()


  • isSame($value)
  • isNotSame($value)
  • isEqual($value)
  • isNotEqual($value)
  • match(string $regex)
  • notMatch(string $regex)

Type check

  • isType(string $type) Works with scalar types, classes and interfaces
  • isNotType(string $type)
  • isInt()
  • isNotInt()
  • isFloat()
  • isNotFloat()
  • isNumber()
  • isNotNumber()
  • isString()
  • isNotString()
  • isBool()
  • isNotBool()
  • isNull()
  • isNotNull()
  • isObject()
  • isNotObject()
  • isArray()
  • isNotArray()

Var filtering check

  • filterVar(int $filter, $options = null) Returns a predicate that applies filter_var() to subject using given filter and options.
  • isEmail()
  • isNotEmail()
  • isUrl()
  • isNotUrl()
  • isIp()
  • isNotIp()
  • isMac()
  • isNotMac()

Size check

  • size(int $size) Verify elements count of arrays and countable objects and string length
  • sizeMax(int $size)
  • sizeMaxStrict(int $size)
  • sizeMin(int $size)
  • sizeMinStrict(int $size)
  • between(int $min, int $max)
  • notBetween(int $min, int $max)
  • betweenInner(int $min, int $max)
  • notBetweenInner(int $min, int $max)
  • betweenLeft(int $min, int $max)
  • notBetweenLeft(int $min, int $max)
  • betweenRight(int $min, int $max)
  • notBetweenRight(int $min, int $max)

Elements check (for arrays and strings)

  • contain($item) Verify $item is present in arrays, or if both $item and subject are strings check the subject contain $item
  • notContain($item)
  • startWith($item) Verify first element of arrays, or if both $item and subject are strings check the subject string starts with $item
  • notStartWith($item) Verify first element of arrays, or if both $item and subject are strings check the subject string starts with $item
  • endWith($item)
  • notEndWith($item)

Elements check for arrays only

  • anyOfValues(array $values) Verify array subject for intersection with given values
  • notAnyOfValues(array $values)
  • anyOf(...$values) Like anyOfValues but with variadic arguments
  • notAnyOf(...$values)

Elements check for arrays and objects

  • hasValue($value) Return a predicate that checks an array or a traversable object to find an element equal to value given
  • hasNotValue($value)
  • hasValues(array $value)
  • hasNotValues(array $values)
  • hasAnyOfValues(array $values)
  • hasNotAnyOfValues(array $values)

Object properties check (works with associative arrays as well)

  • hasKey(string $key)
  • hasKeys(array $keys)
  • hasNotKeys(array $keys)
  • hasAnyOfKeys(array $keys)
  • hasNotAnyOfKeys(array $keys)
  • keyIs(string $key, $value)
  • keyIsNot(string $key, $value)
  • keyIsAnyOf(string $key, array values)
  • keyIsNotAnyOf(string $key, array $values)
  • keyIsType(string $key, string $type)
  • keyInNotType(string $key, string $type)
  • keyApply(string $key, callable $predicate) Return a predicate that applies a predicate to a key of the subject

Object methods check

  • hasMethod(string $method)
  • hasNotMethod(string $method)
  • methodReturn(string $method, $value, array $methodArgs = [])
  • methodNotReturn(string $method, $value, array $methodArgs = [])
  • methodReturnAnyOf(string $method, array $values, array $methodArgs = [])
  • methodNotReturnAnyOf(string $method, array $values, array $methodArgs = [])
  • methodReturnType(string $method, string $type, array $methodArgs = [])
  • methodNotReturnType(string $method, string $type, array $methodArgs = [])
  • methodReturnEmpty(string $method, array $methodArgs = [])
  • methodReturnNotEmpty(string $method, array $methodArgs = [])
  • methodReturnApply(string $method, callable $predicate, array $methodArgs = []) Return a predicate that applies a predicate return value of given method of the subject


  • bulk(callable $predicate) Return a predicate that applies the same predicate to an array of values and returns true when the given predicate return true for all values
  • bulkPool(callable $predicate) Like bulk() but returned predicate return true the given predicate returns true for any of the values

Predicates composition

  • negate(callable $predicate) Return a predicate that return true when given predicate return false and viceversa
  • combine(...$predicates) Return a predicate that returns true when all the given predicates returns true
  • pool(...$predicates) Return a predicate that returns true when any of the given predicates returns true
  • combineCallbacks(array $predicates) Like combine() but accepts an array of predicates
  • poolCallbacks(...$predicates) Like pool() but accepts an array of predicates
  • combineMap(array $predicates) Takes a map of predicates and return a predicates that applies to a map value, returns true when all the predicates return true
  • poolMap(array $predicates) Like combineMap, but the returned predicates return true when any the predicates returns true

Transforming a value before applying the predicate

  • applyAfter(callable $transformation, callable $predicate) Returns a predicate which returns the result of the predicate, after it has been applied the the input value, transformed by the $transformation function.


use Pentothal as P;

$data = ['yes', 'no', 'Yes', 'No', 'YES', 'NO' ];

$yes = array_filter($data, P\applyAfter('strtolower', isSame('yes'))); // ['yes', 'Yes', 'YES']

Quite complex example

use Pentothal as P;

// some example data
$countableOne = new \ArrayObject(['foo' => 'bar']);
$countableTwo = new \ArrayObject(['a' => 'a', 'b' => 'b']);
$plainObj = new \stdClass();
$string1 = 'a';
$string3 = 'abc';
$number1 = 1;
$number3 = 3;

$list = [
  'a' => $countableOne,
  'b' => $countableTwo,
  'c' => $plainObj,
  'd' => $string1,
  'e' => $string3,
  'f' => $number1,
  'g' => $number3

$predicate = P\combine(
  P\pool(P\isNotObject(), P\isType('Countable')), // filter out: ['c' => $plainObj]
  P\pool(P\isNotString(), P\size(3)), // filter out: ['d' => $string1]
  P\pool(P\isString(), P\size(1)) // filter out: ['a' => $countableTwo, 'g' => $number3]

$negatePredicate = negate($predicate);

$in = array_filter($list, $predicate);
$out = array_filter($list, $negatePredicate);

var_dump($in); // array('a' => $countableOne, 'e' => $string3, 'f' => $number1];
var_dump($out); // array('b' => $countableTwo, 'c' => $plainObj, 'd' => $string1, 'g' => $number3];