
Symfony 2 / 3 Apache FOP Bundle

Installs: 13 916

Dependents: 1

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 7

Watchers: 2

Forks: 9

Open Issues: 1


1.0.4 2017-01-30 17:48 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-16 03:22:29 UTC


Symfony2 Apache FOP (XSL-FO) Bundle

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Installing (composer)

Add following lines on your composer.json

    "goetas/apache-fop": "1.0.*",


Add following lines on your config.yml

    executable: /install_path_to_apache_fop/fop
    config: ../../path_to_optional_config_xml

Add this to AppKernel.php

new Goetas\ApacheFopBundle\GoetasApacheFopBundle();

Add this to your autoloader (only if not using composer)

'Goetas\ApacheFopBundle' => $vendorDir . '/goetas/apache-fop/Goetas/GoetasApacheFop/lib/'


$service = $container->get("goetas.fop");
// convert FO to PDF or RTF
$service->convert("source.fo", "output.pdf", "application/pdf");
$service->convert(new FileInput("source.fo"), "output.pdf", "text/rtf");

//convert to PDF using XML and XSLT and with params
$service->convert("source.xml", "output.pdf", "application/pdf", "transform.xsl", array("paramName"=>"paramValue"));
//convert to PDF using XML and XSLT (reading xsl from string)
$service->convert("source.xml", "output.pdf", "application/pdf", new StringInput(" ... xsl string ..."));

//convert reading a FOP input from a string
$service->convert(new StringInput("source.fo"), "output.pdf", "application/pdf");

//convert reading a FOP input from a string, and get the result
$service->get(new StringInput("... fo data ..."), "application/pdf");

//convert reading a FOP input from a string, and output the result
$service->out(new StringInput("... fo data ..."), "application/pdf");

//convert reading a FO data from a file, and output the result (plus xsl)
$service->out(new FileInput("... fo data ..."), "text/rtf", "transform.xsl", array("paramName"=>"paramValue"));

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