
Type Safety Tools

v0.2.2 2023-02-08 20:46 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 01:17:12 UTC


Safe accessors wraps unsafe or uncertain associative data structures and provides methods of safe type casting. Mainly for Symfony.

SafeAccessorTrait methods

bool(string $key, bool $default = false): bool

  • casts value to bool (true, false, 0, 1) if possible
  • or throws InvalidArgumentException when value set but cannot be casted
  • or returns default when value not set

boolOrDefault(string $key, bool $default): bool

  • casts value to bool (true, false, 0, 1)
  • or returns default

string(string $key, string $default = ''): string

  • casts value to string if possible
  • or throws InvalidArgumentException when value set but cannot be casted
  • or returns default when value not set

stringNullable(string $key, ?string $default = null): ?string

  • casts value to string if possible
  • or returns default when value not set or is null
  • or throws InvalidArgumentException when value not null but cannot be casted

stringOrNull(string $key): ?string

  • casts value to string if possible
  • or returns null

stringOrDefault(string $key, string $default): string

  • casts value to string if possible
  • or returns default

int(string $key, int $default = 0): int

  • casts value to int if possible
  • or throws InvalidArgumentException when value set but cannot be casted
  • or returns default when value not set

intNullable(string $key, ?int $default = null): ?int

  • casts value to int if possible
  • or returns default when value not set or is null
  • or throws InvalidArgumentException when value not null but cannot be casted

intOrNull(string $key): ?int

  • casts value to int if possible
  • or returns null

intOrDefault(string $key, int $default): int

  • casts value to int if possible
  • or returns default

float(string $key, float $default = 0): float

  • casts value to float if possible
  • or throws InvalidArgumentException when value set but cannot be casted
  • or returns default when value not set

floatNullable(string $key, ?float $default = null): ?float

  • casts value to float if possible
  • or returns default when value not set or is null
  • or throws InvalidArgumentException when value not null but cannot be casted

floatOrNull(string $key): ?float

  • casts value to float if possible
  • or returns null

floatOrDefault(string $key, float $default): float

  • casts value to float if possible
  • or returns default

strings(string $key): array<int, string>

  • casts value to array of strings if possible
  • or throws InvalidArgumentException when some item cannot be casted

stringsFiltered(string $key): array<int, string>

  • casts value to array of strings skipping items that cannot be casted

stringsForced(string $key, string $default = ''): array<int, string>

  • casts value to array of strings replacing with default items that cannot be casted

ints(string $key): array<int, int>

  • casts value to array of ints if possible
  • or throws InvalidArgumentException when some item cannot be casted

intsFiltered(string $key): array<int, int>

  • casts value to array of ints skipping items that cannot be casted

intsForced(string $key, int $default = ''): array<int, int>

  • casts value to array of ints replacing with default items that cannot be casted

floats(string $key): array<int, float>

  • casts value to array of floats if possible
  • or throws InvalidArgumentException when some item cannot be casted

floatsFiltered(string $key): array<int, float>

  • casts value to array of floats skipping items that cannot be casted

floatsForced(string $key, float $default = ''): array<int, float>

  • casts value to array of floats replacing with default items that cannot be casted

array(string $key): SafeAssocArray

  • casts value to associative array and wraps with SafeAssocArray
  • or throws InvalidArgumentException when value cannot be casted

list(string $key): SafeAssocList

  • casts value to list of associative arrays and wraps with SafeAssocList
  • or throws InvalidArgumentException when value cannot be casted



$user = [
    'name' => 'John',
    'age' => 18,
    'sports' => ['football', 'handball'],

$safe = SafeAssocArray::from($user);
$safe->string('name');             // 'John'
$safe->int('age');                 // 18

$safe->string('nickname', '--');   // '-'
$safe->stringNullable('nickname'); // NULL
$safe->string('nickname');         // InvalidArgumentException

$safe->strings('sports');          // ['football', 'handball']
$safe->ints('sports');             // InvalidArgumentException


final class ExampleCommand extends Command
    // ...
    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
        $arguments = SafeConsoleInput::arguments($input);
        // require string from argument
        $file = $arguments->string('name');
        $options = SafeConsoleInput::options($input);
        // integer with default value
        $limit = $options->int('limit', 20);
        // optional integer value
        $pageOrNull = $options->intNullable('page');
        // bool
        $isDryRun = $options->bool('dry-run', false);
        // string[]
        $tags = $options->strings('tag');
        // int[]
        $tags = $options->ints('status');


final class ExampleAction extends Command
    // ...
    public function __invoke(Request $request): Response
        $safeRequest = SafeRequest::from($request);
        $query = $safeRequest->query();
        $post = $safeReques->request();
        $attributes = $safeReques->attributes();
        $ip = $safeReques->ip();
        $postId = $attributes->string('postId');
        $tags = $post->strings('tags');
        // ...