greg-1-anderson / core
Drupal is an open source content management platform powering millions of websites and applications.
2019-08-30 00:28 UTC
- php: >=7.0.8
- ext-date: *
- ext-dom: *
- ext-filter: *
- ext-gd: *
- ext-hash: *
- ext-json: *
- ext-pcre: *
- ext-pdo: *
- ext-session: *
- ext-simplexml: *
- ext-spl: *
- ext-tokenizer: *
- ext-xml: *
- asm89/stack-cors: ^1.1
- composer/semver: ^1.0
- doctrine/annotations: ^1.2
- doctrine/common: ^2.5
- easyrdf/easyrdf: ^0.9
- egulias/email-validator: ^2.0
- greg-1-anderson/core-component: 8.8.x-dev
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^6.2.1
- masterminds/html5: ^2.1
- pear/archive_tar: ^1.4
- stack/builder: ^1.0
- symfony-cmf/routing: ^1.4
- symfony/class-loader: ~3.4.0
- symfony/console: ~3.4.0
- symfony/dependency-injection: ~3.4.26
- symfony/event-dispatcher: ~3.4.0
- symfony/http-foundation: ~3.4.27
- symfony/http-kernel: ~3.4.14
- symfony/polyfill-iconv: ^1.0
- symfony/process: ~3.4.0
- symfony/psr-http-message-bridge: ^1.0
- symfony/routing: ~3.4.0
- symfony/serializer: ~3.4.0
- symfony/translation: ~3.4.0
- symfony/validator: ~3.4.0
- symfony/yaml: ~3.4.5
- twig/twig: ^1.38.2
- typo3/phar-stream-wrapper: ^2.1.1
- zendframework/zend-diactoros: ^1.1
- zendframework/zend-feed: ^2.4
- drush/drush: <8.1.10
- drupal/action: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/aggregator: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/automated_cron: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/ban: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/bartik: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/basic_auth: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/big_pipe: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/block: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/block_content: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/block_place: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/book: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/breakpoint: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/ckeditor: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/classy: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/color: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/comment: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/config: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/config_environment: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/config_translation: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/contact: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/content_moderation: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/content_translation: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/contextual: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/core: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/datetime: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/datetime_range: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/dblog: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/dynamic_page_cache: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/editor: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/entity_reference: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/field: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/field_layout: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/field_ui: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/file: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/filter: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/forum: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/hal: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/help: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/help_topics: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/history: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/image: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/inline_form_errors: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/jsonapi: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/language: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/layout_builder: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/layout_discovery: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/link: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/locale: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/media: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/media_library: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/menu_link_content: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/menu_ui: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/migrate: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/migrate_drupal: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/migrate_drupal_multilingual: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/migrate_drupal_ui: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/minimal: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/node: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/options: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/page_cache: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/path: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/quickedit: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/rdf: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/responsive_image: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/rest: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/search: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/serialization: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/settings_tray: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/seven: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/shortcut: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/simpletest: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/standard: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/stark: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/statistics: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/syslog: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/system: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/taxonomy: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/telephone: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/text: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/toolbar: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/tour: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/tracker: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/update: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/user: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/views: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/views_ui: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/workflows: 8.8.x-dev
- drupal/workspaces: 8.8.x-dev
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-01 00:22:23 UTC