
Multiple DI containers support for Nette DI

v0.1.0 2021-01-04 16:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-16 23:54:24 UTC


Split your app dependency injection container into well-defined scopes and enforce relationships between them.

On the edge between monolith and microservices

This approach stays in the middle of monolith and microservices.

From architectonical perspective it is equavalent to microservices approach. There is clear boundary and interface between model and app.

Technically you save tons of hours of maintainace cost of managing microservices. Because there is still one app, but with many independent modules. They have clear boundaries and explicitly defined dependencies. And when you break this boundary, you get an exception.

So if needed you can easily turn already defined modules into microservices later. Only part that is missing here is a serialization & networking stack. This can be easily solved by adding RPC layer between modules that are extracted into microservices.

More resources:


You have a model where you want to expose access only to a few facades. So you export them from the model container into the app container, and the app then can only access those exported services. This means that app can no longer ignore ACL rules or directly access a database.

Registering the model into a user DI container

For the model container, you must create a DI extension to register all the services exported from the model to the user's application (UI/API/CLI/...) part of the app.



namespace App\Infrastructure;

use Mangoweb\NetteDIScope\ScopeExtension;
use Nette\Configurator;

final class ModelExtension extends ScopeExtension
	public static function getTagName(): string
		// Every service marketed with an `exported` tag will be available in every *user* DI container
		return 'exported';

	protected function createInnerConfigurator(): Configurator // @phpstan-ignore-line
		$configurator = parent::createInnerConfigurator();
		$configurator->addConfig(__DIR__ . '/../container.neon'); // the configration entrypoint of the *model* container
		$configurator->addConfig(__DIR__ . '/../../config/config.local.neon'); // parameters that are needed for the *model* container
		$configurator->addStaticParameters([ // provide the %modelDir% parameter so the model is self-aware of where it lays
			'modelDir' => __DIR__ . '/../'
		return $configurator;

In the user DI container, register this newly created extension:

# the app-container.neon
# import public services from model-level container
# see Model/**/*.neon files for more info
	model: Ivy\Infrastructure\ModelExtension

Exporting a service from the model container

# model-container.neon
		factory: Ivy\Survey\SurveyFacade(
			# dependencies...
		tags: [exported] # This makes it available for the outer container

Requiring a dependency of the model container

When the model container needs a dependency (EmailSender), it can require it by defining the service torso.

namespace App\Model\Infrastructure\Email;
interface EmailSender {
    function send(TheMessage $message): void;

Then tell the DI that the outer container MUST provide the EmailSender.

# model-container.neon

		type: App\Model\Infrastructure\Email\EmailSender
		factory: @outerContainer::getByType(Ivy\Infrastructure\Email\EmailSender)

The outer container then registers the service, and you are done.

    - MyEmailSender # implements App\Model\Infrastructure\Email\EmailSender

Danger zone

Sometimes, you need to break the pattern of being insulated from the model. See danger zone.


This repository is fork of mangoweb-backend/nette-di-scope.

Primary development place is master is automatically replicated back to github:grifart/nette-di-scope.

Submitting contribution into fork

Internal contributions

Use GitLab and open merge request, target: master. After merge it will be automatically propagated to GitHub.

External contributions

External developers: Use GitHub, open pull request targeting our master master.

Internal reviewer and maintainer of pull request:

  • fetch changes to local repo
  • then merge into local master
  • push local master into gitlab/master (this will be automatically propagated to GitHub)
  • remove branches that are not needed anymore

Recommended git remotes setup

git remote add origin
git remote add github-grifart
git remote add github-mangoweb