
IoC DI with service container

0.10 2021-07-27 12:42 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-16 19:55:34 UTC


A small IoC Dependency Injector and Service Locator with experimental features, including a Data Locator.

composer require grithin/ioc-di



For the code examples, use this header to run

use \Grithin\{ServiceLocator, DependencyInjector};
use \Grithin\IoC\{NotFound, ContainerException, MissingParam, Datum, Service, Call, Factory};

$sl = new ServiceLocator;
$di = $sl->injector();


Service Locator injection of "NameInterface" typed parameter into newly constructed "Creature"


class Creature{
	public $name;
	public function __construct(NameInterface $name){
		$this->name = $name;
interface NameInterface{ }
class Name implements NameInterface{
	public $text;
	public function __construct($text='bob'){
		$this->text = $text;

$sl = new ServiceLocator;
$di = $sl->injector();

# add "Name" into services

# construct "Creature" with injected Name instance
$bob = $di->call('Creature');
echo $bob->name->text;
#> 'bob'

Mixing Service Locator And Provided Parameters

Sometimes it is useful to allow the ServiceLocator to find one parameter, to but provide another parameter instead of using the ServiceLocator for it.


class Creature{
	public $name;
	public $age;
	public function __construct(Name $name, Age $age){
		$this->name = $name;
		$this->age = $age;
class Name{
	public $text;
	public function __construct($text='bob'){
		$this->text = $text;
class Age{
	public $text;
	public function __construct($text='20'){
		$this->text = $text;

# add "Age" into services

# pass in the $age parameter by matching the parameter name
$bob = $di->call_with('Creature', ['age'=> new Age('30')]);
echo $bob->age->text;
#> 30

# pass in the $age parameter by matching the position
$bob = $di->call_with('Creature', [1=> new Age('30')]);
echo $bob->age->text;
#> 30


If the DependencyInjector can't resolve a dependency, you can provide a fallback default for the parameter.


class Creature{
	public $name;
	public function __construct(NameInterface $name){
		$this->name = $name;
interface NameInterface{ }
class Name implements NameInterface{
	public $text;
	public function __construct($text='bob'){
		$this->text = $text;

# use a default for the "name" parameter
$bob = $di->call('Creature', ['defaults'=>['name'=> new Name('Sue')]]);
# since "Name" has not been registered as a service, ServiceLocator will fail to find it, and use the default provided
echo $bob->name->text;
#> sue

Because it may be undesirable to first instantiate a default prior to it being used, special classes are available to prevent pre-instantiation.

These special classes include

  • \Grithin\IoC\Service
  • \Grithin\IoC\Datum
  • \Grithin\IoC\Call
  • \Grithin\IoC\Factory

See the Special Types

Special Types

Using Grithin\IoC\SpecialTypeInterface

Service Object

Used by: SL, DI

  • If you want to point to a service with options.
  • If you want to provide a parameter default as an object, but don't want to instantiate the object unless it is for default

Example of using Service for a default


interface NameInterface{}
class Name implements NameInterface
	public $text;
	public function __construct($text = 'bob')
		$this->text = $text;
function sayName(NameInterface $name){
	echo $name->text;

# create a service with pre-set construction options
$name_service = new Service(Name::class, ['with'=>['text'=>'sue']]);

# injector will fall back on the default, $name_service, since no NameInterface is registered
$di->call('sayName', ['defaults'=> ['name'=>$name_service]]);
#> sue


Used by: SL, DI

  • If you want configure a service to be instantialized using datum that might be set later or change

class Person{
	public $name;
	function __construct($name){
		$this->name = $name;
	function sayName(){
		echo $this->name;

# Bind service id Person to the Person class, with constructor parameter using Datum "name"
$sl->bind('Person', Person::class,  ['with'=>['name'=>new Datum('name')]]);

# define the Datum for the DataLocator
# this is one benefit to using Datum - it can be defined after a service is bound to use it
$sl->data_locator->set('name', 'sue');

function sayName(Person $person){
	return $person->sayName();

# getName will cause ServiceLocator to create Person instance, which causes DataLocator to pull "name"
#> sue

# change Datum resolution
$sl->data_locator->set('name', 'bob');

# a new Person instance will be made, and Datum "name" will now resolve to "bob"
#> bob


Used by: SL, DI, DL

  • If you want to point to the result of some callable.

class Person{
	public $name;
	function __construct($name){
		$this->name = $name;
	function sayName(){
		echo $this->name;

function getName() {
	return 'bob';

# Invoke getName when instantiating "Person" for parameter $name
$sl->bind('Person', Person::class,  ['with'=>['name'=>new Call('getName')]]);

function sayName(Person $person){
	return $person->sayName();

#> bob


Used by: SL, DI, DL

  • Used to indicate to DataLocator it should use thing as a factory.

Whereas, with Call, a datum will be resolved by calling, with Factory, it will be resolved by calling every time the data is accessed from the DataLocator


$random = function(){ return rand(0,20000); };
$sl->data_locator->set('rand', new Call($random));
echo $sl->data_locator->get('rand');
#> 1231

# the DataLocator only runs the callable once, so it will return the same value here
echo $sl->data_locator->get('rand');
#> 1231

# a factory can be used to get new data every time
$sl->data_locator->set('rand', new Factory($random));

echo '|';
echo $sl->data_locator->get('rand');
echo '|';
#> 3421
echo $sl->data_locator->get('rand');
#> 8291

Resolution Of Parameters

For some method definition, how does the injector resolve the injection values?

  • if with variant/option is used (call_with and call(..., ['with'=>[]])), use with array
    • by position
    • by name
  • by type declaration (ServiceLocator)
  • if parameter starts with uppercase, attempt to match against
    • Service
    • Datum
  • if defaults option is present, use it
  • use the default provided in the method/constructor definition

Parameter Name Based Resolution

As a shortcut for well-known frequently used expected parameters, injection can use the name alone so long as that name starts with a capital letter. And, in this case, both services and data are checked.


$sl->data_locator->set('Server', 'localhost');

function printServer($Server){
	echo $Server;

$bob = $di->call('printServer');
#> localhost

Static analysis and autocompletion within editors has made this usually a bad option.


Beyond The Basics


For something like a Database, it is desirable that only one primary instance be created.

class Database{
	function __construct(){
		echo 'connecting... ';
		# ... expensive connection stuff ...
	function query(){
		return 'bob';


function getUserName(Database $db){
	echo $db->query();

#> connecting... bob
#> bob

You can also just provide an existing singleton object to the ServiceLocator

class Database{
	public $host;
	function __construct($host = 'local_899') {
		$this->host = $host;

function getDb(Database $db){
	echo $db->host;

# Can use the `Service` class to override service config
$config = ['i'=>0];
$sl->singleton('Database', new Database('remote'));
#> remote


It may be useful to link one service id to another service

interface DatabaseInterface {}
class Database implements DatabaseInterface{
	function query(){
		return 'bob';

$sl->bind('DatabaseInterface', 'LinkMiddleMan');
$sl->bind('LinkMiddleMan', 'Database');

function getUserName(DatabaseInterface $db){
	echo $db->query();

# ServiceLocator will resolve DatabaseInterface to LinkMiddleMan, and then LinkMiddleMan to Database
#> bob

Special Types

It may be useful to resolve a service using a special type.

Here, a function is used to get a service


class Database{
	function query(){
		return 'bob';
function getDatabase(){
	return new Database;

function getUserName(Database $db){
	echo $db->query();

# Using the `Call` class
$sl->bind('Database', new Call('getDatabase'));
#> bob

# Using a closure
$sl->bind('Database', function(){ return getDatabase(); });
#> bob

Using Service for special configuration

interface DatabaseInterface {}
class Database implements DatabaseInterface {
	public $host;
	function __construct($host='local_899'){
		$this->host = $host;

function getDb(DatabaseInterface $db){
	echo $db->host;

# Can use the `Service` class to override service config
$sl->bind('DatabaseInterface', new Service('Database', ['with'=>['host'=>'remote_123']]));
#> remote_123

Data Locator

A service locator for data.

# basic
$sl->data_locator->set('x', '123');

# lazy loaded (called once)
$sl->data_locator->set('y', function(){ return '456'; });
function return_456(){
	return '456'
$sl->data_locator->set('y', new Call('return_456'));

# factory (called every time)
$sl->data_locator->set('y', new Factory('return_456'));


By default, SL does not check all classes to resolve an interface or abstract class, it only checks what is within the services (by id) or available without further file inclusion. You can make it check everything though:

$sl = new ServiceLocator(['check_all'=>true]);