
Simple and efficient way to manipulate your database connection scheme, whatever it may be.

v1.1.1 2023-05-04 16:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-04 20:28:20 UTC



Simple and efficient way to manipulate your database connection scheme, whatever it may be.


composer require gsferro/database-schema-easy


Package Versão
PHP ^8
Laravel ^8
Doctrine/orm ^2.14


  • Instancie o serviço

    $schema = new DatabaseSchemaEasy(string $table, string $connection = null);
  • Facade

    $schema = dbschemaeasy(string $table)


  • hasTable(): bool: Verifica se a table exists

    # true
  • getColumnListing(bool $includePrimaryKeys = true, bool $includeTimestamps = false): array : Retorna todas as colunas da table

  • hasColumn(string $column): bool: Verifica se a coluna exists

    # true
  • hasColumns(array $columns): bool:Verifica se as colunas exists

    $schema->hasColumns(['id', 'uuid']);
    # true
  • hasColumnsTimestamps(): bool: Verifica se a coluna exists

    # true
  • getTypeFromColumns(array $columns): array: Pega todos os tipos das colunas

    $schema->getTypeFromColumns(['id', 'uuid']);
      "id" => "integer",
      "uuid" => "guid",
  • getColumnType(string $column): string:Retorna o type da colunas

    # "integer"
  • getDoctrineColumn(string $column): array:Retorna todas as informações da colunas

      "name" => "id",
      "type" => Doctrine\DBAL\Types\IntegerType {#4751},
      "default" => null,
      "notnull" => true,
      "length" => null,
      "precision" => 10,
      "scale" => 0,
      "fixed" => false,
      "unsigned" => false,
      "autoincrement" => true,
      "columnDefinition" => null,
      "comment" => null,
      "primary_key" => true,
  • isPrimaryKey(string $column): bool:Verifica se a coluna é pk

    # true
  • primaryKeys(): array:Retorna as chaves pks

  • hasModelWithTableName(string $table = null): bool|string:Verifica se a table já existe model eloquent criada

    # "App\Models\Pedidos"
    # false
  • getAllTables(): array: Todas as tabelas da conexão

  • hasForeinsKey(string $column, bool $fromStubReplace = false): bool|array: Verifica se a coluna é uma foreing key e devolve os dados do relacionamento

      "table" => "pedido_status",
      "tableCamel" => Illuminate\Support\Stringable {#5069
      value: "pedidoStatus",
      "related" => Illuminate\Support\Stringable {#5068
      value: "",
      "relatedInstance" => false,
      "foreignKey" => "pedido_status_id",
      "ownerKey" => "id",