
A PHP sitemap generation tool.

1.2.2 2017-11-09 17:58 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-06 20:21:28 UTC


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Note : This is a fork of the original work that adds support for google image extension.

A sitemap generation tool for PHP following the Sitemap Protocol v0.9.

Cartographer can handle Sitemaps of any size. When generating sitemaps with more than 50,000 entries (the limit), the sitemap becomes a "map of maps" (i.e. nested sitemaps).

Supported PHP/HHVM Versions

  • PHP: >= 5.4 (including 5.6 beta1)
  • HHVM: >= 3.0.0


Composer CLI

composer require tackk/cartographer:1.0.*


    "require": {
        "tackk/cartographer": "1.0.*"

Basic Sitemap

If you have a sitemap that is under 50,000 items, you can just use the Sitemap class, and avoid the Sitemap Generator.

use Tackk\Cartographer\Sitemap;
use Tackk\Cartographer\ChangeFrequency;

$sitemap = new Tackk\Cartographer\Sitemap();
$sitemap->add('', '2005-01-02', ChangeFrequency::WEEKLY, 1.0);
$sitemap->add('', '2005-01-01');

// Write it to a file
file_put_contents('sitemap.xml', (string) $sitemap);

// or simply echo it:
header ('Content-Type:text/xml');
echo $sitemap->toString();


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">

Basic Sitemap Index

If you want to build a Sitemap Index, separate from the Sitemap Generator, you can!

$sitemapIndex = new Tackk\Cartographer\SitemapIndex();
$sitemapIndex->add('', '2012-01-02');
$sitemapIndex->add('', '2012-01-02');

// Write it to a file
file_put_contents('sitemap.xml', (string) $sitemapIndex);

// or simply echo it:
header ('Content-Type:text/xml');
echo $sitemapIndex->toString();


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sitemapindex xmlns="">

Sitemap Factory

The Sitemap Factory create Sitemaps and Sitemap Indexes and writes them to the Filesystem. Is is can be used to generate full Sitemaps with more than 50,000 URLs.

If more than one sitemap is generated, it will create a Sitemap Index automatically.


The factory uses Flysystem to write the sitemaps. This means you can write the sitemaps to Local Disk, S3, Dropbox, wherever you want.


use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;
use League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local as LocalAdapter;

$adapter = new LocalAdapter(__DIR__.'/sitemaps');
$filesystem = new Filesystem($adapter);
$sitemapFactory = new Tackk\Cartographer\SitemapFactory($filesystem);

Base URL

The Base URL is used when generating the Sitemap Indexes, and for the returned entry point URL.

You can set the Base URL:


You can get the current base URL using getBaseUrl().

Creating a Sitemap

To create a sitemap you use the createSitemap method. This method requires an Iterator as its only parameter.


use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;
use League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local as LocalAdapter;

$adapter = new LocalAdapter(__DIR__.'/sitemaps');
$filesystem = new Filesystem($adapter);
$sitemapFactory = new Tackk\Cartographer\SitemapFactory($filesystem);

// Create an Iterator of your URLs somehow.
$urls = get_url_iterator();

// Returns the URL to the main Sitemap/Index file
$mainSitemap = $sitemapFactory->createSitemap($urls);

Google image extension

With simple sitemap:


use Tackk\Cartographer\GoogleSitemap;
use Tackk\Cartographer\ChangeFrequency;

$sitemap = new Tackk\Cartographer\GoogleSitemap();
$sitemap->add('', '2005-01-02', ChangeFrequency::WEEKLY, 1.0);
// Adds an image for the previous url
$sitemap->addImage('', 'image title', 'image caption', 'geo location', 'license');

// Write it to a file
file_put_contents('sitemap.xml', (string) $sitemap);

With sitemap factory the iterator should return an array of url that also contains an 'images' key with all images of the url.


use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;
use League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local as LocalAdapter;

$adapter = new LocalAdapter(__DIR__.'/sitemaps');
$filesystem = new Filesystem($adapter);
$sitemapFactory = new Tackk\Cartographer\GoogleSitemapFactory($filesystem);

// Create an Iterator of your URLs somehow.
$urls = get_url_iterator();

// Url iterator items format:
// ['url' => '', 'images' => [
//    ['loc' => '']
// ]

// Returns the URL to the main Sitemap/Index file
$mainSitemap = $sitemapFactory->createSitemap($urls);

Return Value

The two creation methods (createSitemap and createSitemapIndex) will return the URL of the root sitemap file. If there is only 1 sitemap created, it will return just that URL. If multiple sitemaps are created, then a Sitemap Index is generated and the URL to that is returned.

List of Created Files

You can get a list (array) of files the Factory has created by using the getFilesCreated method.

$files = $sitemapFactory->getFilesCreated();

Running Tests

This assumes you have ran composer update.

From the repository root, run:
