
Simplified, read-only access to MARC records.

v0.2.3 2019-06-28 08:01 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-12 17:59:02 UTC


Working with MARC records.

SimpleMARC is Copyright (c) 2013-2018 by Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel and released under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3.

SimpleMARC Record

SimpleMARC Record provides simplified, read-only access to MARC records. In contrast to PEAR File_MARC it does not create a complete in-memory representation of the MARC record but utilizes the MARC directory to retrieve information from the MARC record.

The MARC data itself is represented by native PHP strings (control fields) or native PHP arrays (data fields). While a control field is simply the field value the data field is encoded as follows:

array(CODE => array(POS => VALUE, …), …)

  • CODE is the subfield code
  • POS is the zero-indexed subfield position
  • VALUE is a string with the subfield value

MARC fields are addressed by a shorthand notation. For control field the shorthand is identifical to the field tag, the shorthand for datafields concatenates the field tag and the indicators with the forward slash (ASCII 47) as separator. Empty indicators are represented by the space character (ASCII 32).


[array] Record::select(SELECTOR)

SELECTOR is the body of a regular expression and matched against the field shorthands. The return value is an array of field data indexed by shorthand.

SimpleMARC Builder

SimpleMARC Builder provides a builder for MARC records.


[Builder] Builder::reset()

Resets the builder for a new record.

[Builder] Builder::setRecordStatus(STATUS)

Set the record status (leader position 5).

  • STATUS is a string with the record status

Defaults to ‘n - New’.

[Builder] Builder::setTypeOfRecord(TYPE)

Set the type of the record (leader position 6).

  • TYPE is a string with the record type

Defaults to ‘a - Language material’.

[Builder] Builder::setBibliographicLevel(LEVEL)

Set the bibliographic level (leader position 7).

  • LEVEL is a string with the bibliographic level

Defaults to ‘m - Monograph/Item’.

[Builder] Builder::setTypeOfControl(TYPE)

Set the type of control (leader position 8).

  • TYPE is a string with the type of control

Defaults to ‘# - No specified type’.

[Builder] Builder::setEncodingLevel(LEVEL)

Set the encoding level (leader position 17).

  • LEVEL is a string with the encoding level

Defaults to ‘u - Unknown’.

[Builder] Builder::setDescriptiveCatalogingForm(FORM)

Set the descriptive cataloging form (leader position 18).

  • FORM is a string with the descriptive cataloging form

Defaults to ‘u - Unknown’.

[Builder] Builder::setMultipartResourceRecordLevel(LEVEL)

Set the multipart resource record level (leader position 19).

  • LEVEL is string with the the multipart resource record level

Defaults to ‘# - Not specified or not applicable’.

[Builder] Builder::addControlField(NUMBER, VALUE)

Adds a MARC controlfield.

  • NUMBER is a string with the control field number
  • VALUES is a string with the the control field value

[Builder] Builder::addDataField(NUMBER, INDICATORS, array SUBFIELDS)

  • NUMBER is a string with the data field number
  • INDICATORS is a string of two characters with the data field indicators
  • SUBFIELDS is an array representing the data field subfields

Each element of the SUBFIELDS array is expected to be an array of the form [CODE, VALUE] where

  • CODE is a string with the subfield code
  • VALUES is a string with the subfield value

[string] Builder::build()

Finally builds the record and returns an instance of the SimpleMARC Record class.

SimpleMARC XmlWriter

SimpleMARC XmlWriter serializes a MARC record as MARC21 XML.


[string] XmlWriter::write(RECORD)

Returns the MARC21 XML representation of RECORD.

  • RECORD is an instance of SimpleMARC Record