haggag / msegat
Msegat SMS Provider
- php: ^8.0
- illuminate/support: ^8.0|^9.0
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-08 21:32:48 UTC
About Msegat
The leading SMS providers in Saudi Arabia, Maximize your reach with reliable deliverability.
- Send SMS to multiple recipients.
- Send SMS to multiple recipients with Customized Sender Name ID.
- Send OTP.
- Calculate message cost points.
- Sender Names ID Inquiry.
- Balance Inquiry.
composer require jodeveloper/msegat
Publish repository configurations
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="jodeveloper\Msegat\MsegatServiceProvider"
This will publish msegat.php configtations to config/msegat.php
Prepare Environment
Add the following configration to .env file .
MSEGAT_DEFAULT_SENDER="Type your default sender name" MSEGAT_USERNAME="Your Msegat Account Username" MSEGAT_API_KEY="Your API Key"
<You can get your api Key from this URL MSEGAT, after successful login.
Sending SMS message
- Send SMS to multiple recipients with default sender name ID that you fill in .env file.
use jodeveloper\Msegat\Facades\Msegat; Msegat::numbers(['05xxxxxxxx', '05xxxxxxxx']) ->message('Hello World') ->sendWithDefaultSender();
- Send SMS to multiple recipients with custom sender name ID.
use jodeveloper\Msegat\Facades\Msegat; Msegat::numbers(['05xxxxxxxx', '05xxxxxxxx']) ->message('Hello World') ->sendWithSender('DigitalTunnel');
JSON Response Example
{ "response": { "code": "1", "message": "Success" } }
OTP ( One Time Password )
- Send OTP Message with default sender name ID.
use jodeveloper\Msegat\Facades\Msegat; Msegat::numbers(['05xxxxxxxx']) ->sendOTP();
- If you would like to send free OTP using OTP sender name you can pass 'OTP' to sendOTP method.
use jodeveloper\Msegat\Facades\Msegat; Msegat::numbers(['05xxxxxxxx']) ->sendOTP('OTP');
JSON Response Example
{ "response": { "code": "1", "message": "Success" }, "pin": "7693" }
Caculate message cost with Msegat
use jodeveloper\Msegat\Facades\Msegat; Msegat::numbers(['9665xxxxxxxx', '9665xxxxxxxx', '9665xxxxxxxx']) ->message('Hello World') ->calculateCost();
JSON Response Example
{ "total_numbers": 3, "point_cost": 2.75, "message_length": 23 }
Get All Sender Names ID
use jodeveloper\Msegat\Facades\Msegat; Msegat::getSenders();
JSON Response Example
{ "response": [ { "SenderID": "Digital", "Status": "Refused" }, { "SenderID": "DigitalTunnel", "Status": "Activated" } ] }
Get Account Balance
use jodeveloper\Msegat\Facades\Msegat; Msegat::getBalance();
JSON Response Example
{ "response": { "balance": 964795 } }
Error Codes
1 - Success
M0000 - Success
M0001 - Variables missing
M0002 - Invalid login info
M0022 - Exceed number of senders allowed
M0023 - Sender Name is active or under activation or refused
M0024 - Sender Name should be in English or number
M0025 - Invalid Sender Name Length
M0026 - Sender Name is already activated or not found
M0027 - Activation Code is not Correct
1010 - Variables missing
1020 - Invalid login info
1050 - MSG body is empty
1060 - Balance is not enough
1061 - MSG duplicated
1064 - Free OTP , Invalid MSG content you should use "Pin Code is: xxxx" or "Verification Code: xxxx" or "رمز التحقق: 1234" , or upgrade your account and activate your sender to send any content
1110 - Sender name is missing or incorrect
1120 - Mobile numbers is not correct
1140 - MSG length is too long
M0029 - Invalid Sender Name - Sender Name should contain only letters, numbers and the maximum length should be 11 characters
M0030 - Sender Name should ended with AD
M0031 - Maximum allowed size of uploaded file is 5 MB
M0032 - Only pdf,png,jpg and jpeg files are allowed!
M0033 - Sender Type should be normal or whitelist only
M0034 - Please Use POST Method
M0036 - There is no any sender
Msegat package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.