
CakePhp Plugin for EPS bank transfer payments

v5.0 2024-01-04 20:22 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-04 22:04:31 UTC


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CakePHP 4.x plugin


Using composer

If you are using composer simply add the plugin using the command

composer require hakito/cakephp-stuzza-eps-banktransfer-plugin

Without composer

Download the plugin to app/Plugin/EpsBankTransfer. Also download https://github.com/hakito/PHP-Stuzza-EPS-BankTransfer Add a PSR-4 compatible autoloader to your bootstrap.

Load the plugin

Load the plugin in your bootstrap:

public function bootstrap()
    // Call parent to load bootstrap from files.

    $this->addPlugin(\EpsBankTransfer\Plugin::class, ['routes' => true]);


In your app.local.php add an entry for EpsBankTransfer

        // required parameters
        'userid' => 'AKLJS231534',           // Eps "Händler" id
        'secret' => 'topSecret',             // Secret for authentication
        'iban' => 'AT611904300234573201',    // IBAN code of bank account where money will be sent to
        'bic' => 'GAWIATW1XXX',              // BIC code of bank account where money will be sent to
        'account_owner' => 'John Q. Public', // Name of the account owner where money will be sent to

        // Encryption key for sending encrypted remittance identifier as encrypted string
        'encryptionKey' => 'A_SECRET_KEY_MUST_BE_32_BYTES_LONG',

        //// optional parameters
        //'ObscuritySuffixLength' => 8,             // Number of hash chars appended to remittance identifier
        //'ObscuritySeed'  => 'SOME RANDOM STRING', // Seed for the random remittance identifier suffix. REQUIRED when ObscuritySuffixLength > 0 provided
        //'TestMode' => true                        // Use EPS test mode URL endpoint


If you want to collect the log stream add this entry to your log configuration in app_local.php

    'Log' =>
        'eps' =>
            'className' => FileLog::class,
            'path' => LOGS,
            'file' => 'eps',
            'scopes' => ['EpsBankTransfer'],
            'levels' => ['warning', 'error', 'critical', 'alert', 'emergency', 'info', 'debug'],


In your payment handling controller:

    // Load the component
    public function initialize(): void

    // Sample checkout
    private function _checkoutEPS($orderId)
        // Add all articles
        $this->Eps->AddArticle('Magic dragon', $quantity, $priceInCents);

        // You might also want to add shipping agio as article
        $this->Eps->AddArticle('Shipping agio', 1, $shippingAgioInCents);

        // remittanceIdentifier could be your shopping card id
        // okUrl is the return url if payment is successful
        // nOkUrl is the return url if payment failed / canceled
        // BIC of the bank from GetBanksArray
        $this->Eps->PaymentRedirect($remittanceIdentifier, $okUrl, $nOkUrl, $bic);

Event handlers

You must implement at least the following eventhandlers:


function ($event, $args)
  // $args =
  // [
  //   'raw' => {string},                  // Raw XML content
  //   'vitalityCheckDetails' => {object}, // Instance of at\externet\eps_bank_transfer\VitalityCheckDetails
  // ]

  return ['handled' => true]; // You have to set this otherwise the EPS call is not successful

EpsBankTransfer.Confirmation', $this

function ($event, $args)
  // $args =
  // [
  //   'raw' => {string},                     // Raw XML content
  //   'bankConfirmationDetails' => {object}, // Instance of at\externet\eps_bank_transfer\BankConfirmationDetails
  // ]

  return ['handled' => true]; // You have to set this otherwise the EPS call is not successful