
Laravel Queue Redis Module

dev-master 2018-10-06 18:23 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-07 08:19:56 UTC


This is PHP driver for the "Laravel Queue Redis Driver".

Why use lqrm?


  1. Blocking pop is now more reliable than before.
  2. Blocking pop now works on delayed and reserved jobs as well.
  3. Timer for delayed and reserved jobs is server side, with milliseconds precision. This means you don't need to worry about syncing your php and redis servers, in case your projects are distributed accross different servers. Moreover, this makes retry_after and block_for configurations independent of each other.
  4. Laravel queue can now be available for other programming languages and frameworks as well. Feel free to port it to your favorite ones.


First install the package via composer:

composer require halaei/lqrm

Then add the service provider to your config/app.php:


To use this package with laravel/horizon, instead use the following service provider:

Finally, change driver of your redis queue connections to lqrm in app/queue.php, and set block_for to some small integer:

'redis' => [
    'driver'      => 'lqrm',        // <<< switch to lqrm driver
    'connection'  => 'default',
    'queue'       => 'default',
    'retry_after' => 90,
    'block_for'   => 10,            // <<< set block_for

Please note that if you need to increase 'block_for' in the config array above, you should increase --timeout in your queue:work commands as well.

Detailed Consideration

Here are the behaviour changes if you move from the original Laravel 5.7 driver to lqrm. I believe the changes are for the best and probably have ignorable affects on your projects.

  1. In 5.7, setting block_for to 0 means blocking for ever. In lqrm setting blocking_for to 0 or any value less than 1 means not to block at all.
  2. Using 5.7 with horizon, calling pop() can trigger JobsMigrated() event, if it migrates jobs from delayed and reserved queue. lqrm does not trigger this event.
  3. In 5.7, you could optionally disable migration of expired jobs from reserved queue. This is not supported in lqrm.